Chapter Eleven

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After Mom and Jared came back, they had something to tell us. They had hired the Pope to exorcise Alison. We had known for years that she was possessed, and she was starting to get out of hand. It all started before I even came to the orphanage, when it was just Alison, Saffron, and Fergus. They were all so young, and suddenly Alison's once vividly orange eyes turned black. Ms. Gregory didn't really care, because it is an orphanage for disturbed girls. We told Alison, and she started flipping out. We had to sedate her, and then the Pope came. He sat her down in a chair, and said the pray things. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she fell asleep. The Pope left, and when she woke up, her eyes were orange again. She seemed dazed, and we got a DM from the pope that said she would be slightly loopy for about three days. Then Millicent, or Millie, came in, and she saw Alison's floppy body on the ground and she started crying. November ran over to comfort her child, and Fergus was busy doing Presidential Duties. He was starting a new program called 'FergusCares,' which would take the extra tax off of the things he liked, like November, anime, and sugary sweets. Nobody really likes him as president though, so this is to make the people like him more. We are all pretty sure that only the creepy old men who live in their mom's basement will like him, because he is taking the tax off of creepy man things, like weird microphones that amplify murderous sounds. The only thing that Fergus is scared of is 35 year olds who play with 12 year olds. Meanwhile, Saffron was in her room digging through these old files she found, and she thinks they might contain our birth certificates. Suddenly, she runs down screaming at November that she found her birth certificate. She hands it to her, and she sees it for the first time. 

Name: November-Nancy Nicki Minaj II

Mother: Nicki Minaj (omg lol so nerdy!!) 

Father: ? 

DOB: July 8, 1998

"OH MY GOD!!!! YOU FOUND MY REAL MOM!" November screams. She begins crying and jumping up and down, and laughing hysterically. She instantly calls Nicki, and she picks up. "Hello?" Nicki says. "I'm your daughter, November Nancy Nicki Minaj." We hear a fain sob, and she says, "I'M COMING HONEY WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW." We tell her, and in an hour she arrives. She wraps November in a hug, and they cry. She then tells the story of what happened the night of January 24, 2000. 

I was poor, and I had no food and no shelter. I was holding my precious November in my arms, wanting her to have a better life. Then, it hit me. I would giver her to my friend's orphanage, Sweet Souls, and pick her up when I got on my feet again. When I did get on my feet, Brenda Gregory, the new owner, would not let me have her back. 

November recalled the times she heard fighting right outside their door, and wanting it to be over so she could sleep and dream about marrying Fergus. When she was allowed, Mom had already taken us, and she was super duper upset. She thought she would never see her sweet child grown up, but when she saw them on the news, she was filled with hope. She would have called, but she didn't know Oprah's phone number. When November called her, she had felt like the world had finally become pure. Nicki decided to leave, and allowed November to live here with her husband and daughter. She seemed ecstatic, and when she left, November said, 'Stay strong for mother Nicki."

Adopted By Oprahजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें