Chapter Ten

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After the movie, we went back to the jewelers to say hello to Jared , our cashier who we bought our things from. He was tall and looked like Christopher Walkmen. He was scary, and looked about 50. Mom Suddenly called us, and said Dad died!! We were devastated!!! Then jared says he would like to marry Mom. She said yes!! The wedding was to be held at the same time as the funeral!! We were all so happy!! Then we helped Jared pick out the perfect rings for him and mom! It was totally adorable!! Then, the ghost of Dad showed up! He said he would get revenge on Mom for marrying Jared! Then Jared fainted! He was so scared THAT HE WENT INTO A COMA! Then Mildred came running in, saying her brother was in a coma! HER BROTHER WAS JARED!!! (OMG LOL SO NERDY!!) 

*fast forward to the wedding/funeral*

Mom is walking down the isle in her grey wedding dress. Jared is waiting there for her, and all of us are some part of the ceremony. Mildred was the maid of honor, Fergus was the Best Man, etc etc etc. Then Dad's corpse was flung off the balcony in chunks, instead of flower petals. Mom started sobbing, both tears of joy and sadness. Half of him was cremated and died into the cake, though. (not_serena) The entire thing was so emotionally draining. It was insane. The wedding was amazing, and so was the funeral. Mildred was crying so hard because she lost the only father she had ever known. That made the entire stadium start crying. Then the wedding started, and the corpse chunks were everywhere. Everyone was so frightened! Then it was over. Mom & Jared went off on their honeymoon in Hell, Michigan. Mildred was left to care for us. "LETS NETFLIX AND CHILL WITHOUT THE NASTY PART!" said Saffron. We all agreed, and began watching John Cena, a Beautiful Life. Suddenly, there were robbers in the house! THEY KIDNAPPED MILDRED. She was taken by a St. Bernard dog with a tag reading TMP. We chased it outside and held it at gunpoint. It could talk! It released her, and she explained that Mildred owned her etc. Then November and Fergus had an announcement: they were getting a child from Sweet Souls Orphanage For Disturbed Girls and One Boy (Not Anymore). They were getting a 7 year old child named Millicent. Suddenly the delivery truck for children shows up, and Millicent arrives. Mildred opens the door and the lil kid screams. We all scream. It was horrifying. 

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