Part Twenty Four

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Shocked, I chased down November and found her at the back of the house smoking twenty cigarettes at once. 

"Alright, Nov, you have to stop. First you're dating the gardener, next you become a pack-a-day smoker, then you want to abandon your daughter. What's gotten into you? You used to be sweet and smart, now you're an emo wreck." 

"I just realized what a loser I've been. I mean, bangs? Seriously? Such a loser. Plus, Fergus has weird, weird, secrets. I mean weird."  She says,  puffing out smoke rings. "That was cool."

"Oh my god." 

I walked to the front of the house, and then I looked out the big floor-to-ceiling windows, where an ambulance, a firetruck, and a news reporter were standing around a spot in the yard. 

That's when I saw him. 

 Jared's lifeless body lying cold dead on the ground.

It was all in slow motion, Mom running out of the house, TMP barking, Allison and Mildred just standing there, mouths open with shock. Saffron, however, was broken down in tears. Right as I was going to go get November, I saw something in the corner of my eye, a ghostly flash. 

And then I smelled it. 

Stedman's perfume. 

A year ago, when Jared had married Mom, the ghost of Stedman showed up at their wedding, promising revenge. 

 I guess he finally got his revenge.

Also, I'm sort of glad he's dead. He was a jerk. I have no idea why Mom married him. 

We went inside, and I ordered some food. Everyone was dead silent, until mom started laughing. 

"Mom? Are you alright? Your husband just died, and you're laughing?" Saffron said, concerned. 

"Oh, kids, I'm so happy. I'm free! I was forced into that marriage, and I made a deal with Stedman. Kill him in a year's time, and then everything will be sealed. All of Jared's money went straight to my bank account! Now, we're even richer than before!" 

"Oh! Good." Fergus said. 

"Guys, I have something to tell you." Saffron said, nervous. 

"I'm getting married! My secret boyfriend, Otis, proposed!" She said, almost glowing. 

Fergus looked up, and started to think. Saffron was his favorite sister, and he was super protective of her at times. 

"Is he a good man?" He asked, tears welling in his eyes and biting into another piece of cake. 

"Of course, why else would I marry him?" She said lightheartedly. 

Then, all hell broke loose. November said that she was pregnant. 

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