Part Seventeen (Christmas Special)

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Mildred's POV

I sat in my cell, going over my last kidnapping mission. What had I done wrong? Did I leave too late, come too soon? Whatever it was, I screwed up. Maybe this was just saying I was getting old and slow. When Mom adopted me in 1986, I was twelve, and had driven myself into thinking I was forty. Now that I'm actually forty two, I just realized how stupid I was. I wanted kids to suffer like I did, ripped from my family on Christmas Day, barely 6 years old. I remember my real last name, my real first name. I was put into the facility under the name Mildred Milton. My real name, is Millicent Gregory. I am their child. I got thrown into in the past, and the time machine broke on Christmas Day. I know why my 'mom,' Oprah was so shocked when she saw Millie. When I turned 15, I dyed my hair very red. At 18, I started kidnapping. In 1998 and 1999, I kidnapped my own two siblings from their real parents. Allison and Orchid. At the time, I didn't know who they would grow up to be, or that they would spend more time in that orphanage that I ever would. Suddenly, Mom, my sisters, and my brother came into the office. They were talking for a while, and then mom handed over a check. I could faintly make out how much I was being bailed out for. Forty-thousand dollars. That's how much I'm worth to the government. Fergus ran over with the key, and opened my door. Mom looked at me and said, "You're lucky they caught you this time, and not the last few times. Then things would have been a lot worse." I stepped into the cold air, my hair whipping in the wind, like a dramatic Disney movie. (omg lol so nerdy!!) I saw Millie standing there, and a single tear flowed down my face. In exactly a year and a day, she would get taken from her home and thrown into a dark box, only to wake up third five years earlier. We got in a car went to go buy a Christmas tree, and then went to our penthouse hotel to decorate and rest. Mom pulled me into her room. "Mildred. I want you to stop. You came so close to getting actually imprisoned and not just held waiting for me to come pick you up. This was a really bad time also. Millie got kidnapped. I don't even want to know where you put her." "I tossed her into an orphanage just a few miles from here. I don't know what happened." November came into the room, and she was bawling. "LETS GO FIND MY BABY IF YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" Fergus ran in and kissed her. I don't know why they do that so much. I walked to and sat down in front of our fireplace, planning my next mission. I was going to sell the next one one cGrey, because I need money for Christmas. I went outside, and picked a house that I knew had a lot of kids in it. I whistled, and my dog came running up. I got into the van, and switched on the radio. (omg lol so nerdy!!) I got out with the dog, and crept around the back of the house. The mom had left her baby in the back to play. What a mistake. I took down her name and her parents' names, taped it to the baby, and left. I strapped the saddle to my dog, and strapped the baby to the saddle. They took off. Minutes later, the dog returned. We got into our van and sped off, just in time to hear the mom scream. Merry Christmas. I got the money, and started off towards the shops. I bought Fergus a brand new money sack, because he keeps so much on him it doesn't fit in a wallet. November got more hairstyling supplies, and I bought Saffron some stuff off the black market, like the bone of a lesser saint and some holy oil. Allison got more band tickets, and multiple VIP passes to the concerts. Orchid got a nice pen. I bought myself a good taser. I wrapped up the gifts and went home, where I grabbed mom's gift, a sculpture made of Dad's ashes, and put it under the tree.

Orchid's POV

After a day of insane adventures, with Mildred's imprisonment and Millie's kidnapping, this was the craziest Christmas Eve. We went home, and sat down in from of the fireplace. I made us all hot chocolate, and Fergus made his famous money shaped cookies. November made fancy cookies, which were a lot better than her lover's money shaped and flavored cookies. I hung a mistletoe in the window, and then found Fergus and November making out. Again. Millie was sound asleep in her room, and all was well. We were laughing and having fun, just like the simpler times. Suddenly, Saffron had an announcement to make. She said that she hired someone to make us a reality TV show! We were all so happy, and we wanted to know the all the details. The show would feature the entire family, and even a few lips of our trips and fun times. Then November had a confession to make. "Guys! I'm releasing a brand new album!" We were all so happy for her. Mom was so proud, and she said she had a surprise for us also! She opened the elevator, and all of our real parents were there! We were so happy! Then, I saw someone sneak out the back door. It was a burglar! I stopped, and charged through the crowd. Saffron followed close behind, and she tackled him (omg lol so nerdy!!)! It was insanely cool! Then he jumped out the window. He had tried to take a stack of Fergus's cash, and a ton of Mom's jewelry. Mom was tied up in chains in a chair! We pulled her to freedom, and she was so glad. The man had left his ID, and the robber was Austin Mahone! He is so mean! We called the police to look out of him, and within an hour, they caught him and sentenced him to the death penalty. We said no. He got away with 50 years in jail, and had a broken rib. "Merry Christmas!" We shouted at him from the penthouse, all cheering him on. Then Allison had something to say. "I am being featured in a cooking show with my uncle, Guy Fieri!" It was magical! Then Saffron said she was going to be in a music video with her grandpa, Kanye West! We cheered her on. Everyone clapped and cheered for everyone, and we had a great party. We all went to sleep with a sense of joy.

The next morning, we all woke up and ran around screaming. Mom made us eat all the food leftover from last night, so we ate about two pounds of food each. Then, we opened the gifts. I gave everyone nice pens, and a few other things. We all got about a million dollars, and another thousand in gift cards. Then, Mom had a surprise gift: a private jet for us to share! We left the country and flew back home to Washington DC. Once we were there, we wanted to go back to or roots. We were going back to Sweet Souls Orphanage for Disturbed Girls and One Boy. We flew there with gifts for the children, and more alcohol for Ms. Gregory. That would make everyone happy. Once we arrived, we all felt so.... superior. We handed her the alcohol, and she sad that she missed us and we were her favorites. She asked about Lucifera, and we said that she had moved and got married. We still haven't heard from her. Ms. Gregory said that she stopped beating the kids, after one of the members of congress threatened her mental stability and tried to make her retire. She let us give the children gifts, and we toured the house once again. It was an amazing experience, and one we will never forget. We chose to go home, and then we started planning our TV show, and we decided to begin filming on January 31. Our new manager, Gina, says that this would be a great opportunity for the fans to get to know us. The day was coming to a close, and it was a great day, not only for us, but for everyone.

Happy Holidays!

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