Chapter Twenty Seven

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November Nancy POV 

Today, Fergus is going to be holding a show in the Grand Theater. I'm so excited to watch the play, and Saffron is starring! 

As we sit down in the theater, the curtains rise. I see Fergus cringe a little, but that's just because his mom hung herself from the curtain rods. 

I, sitting next to Joe, my new boyfriend, slither my hand up his side and kiss his forehead. He's a foot shorter than me, and about 40 years older. 

We, sitting in the box seats, have the best view. I pull up my phone and start to text Allison. 

"I have a bad feeling about tonight." 

"Yea, so do I November." 

I shut my phone off, and the lights dim, but just before that I see two things, a young woman who shares the same face as Fergus, and Ted Cruz. 

The play we watched was "The Dogs" but Greekplaywrightes. It was weird. 

When we sat down at the end of intermission, I saw the woman blow through a tube, and Fergus was hit with a pellet, and he was knocked out.

"Who the hell are you? Did you kill my ex-husband?" I asked. 

"Shh! Ted Cruz is already dead. This is a front. Fergus is fine. My brother is fine. My job is done." 

Mildred lifted Fergus into the van, and we sped out to the house, me keeping a hateful eye on the girl.

Who is she? Why is she here? What does she mean "Ted Cruz is dead?" I had to get answers. 

Once we were home, I decided to drag her into my room, and interrogate her, like the A+ detective I am. I was named after Nancy Drew, after all. I locked the door behind me, shut the shutters, and turned off all the lights. I switched on the interrogation lamp and began to talk. 

"What's your name? I don't expect anything high and mighty from a peasant like you, so don't play games." I said haughtily. 

"Nutrition Robert Gregory. Yes, Gregory. And Before you ask, I'm his twin sister. And an assassin." she said, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. 

"What a loser." 

Her ringtone starts playing, which is "I'm a Monster" by Blood of the Dance Floor. (I swear I'll give you a dollar if you play it on blast in your living room)  She picks it up, and answers the phone. I listen in on her conversation, which is mostly about confirming the death of Fergus, and confirming the life of Ted Cruz. In reality, the roles are revered. Dead is Ted, and living is Fergus. 

Suddenly a realization hits: there were more assassins. Two more, a married couple by the looks of it. They were all in a uniform, black slacks and red blazers with a brown shirt, with the label "AAOA" stitched on the lapels. 

I run to Orchid, locking the bedroom door with Nutrition inside, who is talking to Saffron about the recent events. 

"Hey, how's Fergus doing?" I know I don't have feelings for him anymore, but he's still a friend, even though he and I probably still hate each other. 

"He's fine, just healing over some episodes of "Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood," whatever the heck that is." she said, tossing her hands up in confusion. 

It's probably some weird hentai. 

I slid down the main bannister, and found TMP on the ground, whimpering, crying. 


She comes running from her room, but by then it is too late, and TMP has passed on to dog heaven. 

She solemnly picks her up, crying, rocking back and forth, tears soaking her fur. 

Later, we held a memorial, and buried her under the roses in the yard. Fergus and Allison made a headstone, Saffron gave a great speech, and Orchid wrote a lovely poem, which she carved onto the headstone. Mildred was sobbing the whole time, and the entire world seemed dark and gloomy. 

RIP TMP Gregory, 1986-2016.

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