Chapter Sixteen

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Fergus's POV
I woke up in the morning and began to think about what my next presidential duties were. I remembered that the next law I was going to pass was that all doorways had to be at least 8 feet tall, because I am 7'11", and yes, I did buy the company. I flipped open my laptop, and began watching the anime. November, my sweet beautiful wife, walked in, and since we are the most important people in the country, said we and the family were going to be flying to France for some stupid thing on climate change. We got dressed, and called everyone to the dining hall. "Guys. We're gonna go to France for some stupid things on global warming. Also, I passed a new law. All doorways are now being made taller to fit my height and massive hair." November was on a stool beginning to form my signature hairstyle, a beehive with shredded money braided into the front part. Once she finished, I switched on the anime channel on the TV, and began eating breakfast with my siblings, mom, Jared, and my adopted daughter Millie. She has mud colored hair and vomit green eyes. Her real mother, Martha Stewart, is one of my cousins. Unfortunately, Martha died a few days before her (my) daughter's fourth birthday. We only realized that she was my neice after we adopted her from Sweet Souls. I wonder how she got there. In the hotel, Jared and mom shared a room, Allison, Orchid, and Saffron shared one, me, Millie, and Novemby (omg lol so nerdy!!) shared one, and they all connected into the center living room. We were all resting and laughing, then I realized Millie was nowhere to be found. Novemby screamed, and we called the police. We called all the family, and mom said, "Maybe she got lost." My bae screamed, and began sobbing, and to calm her, I kissed her and said, "I'm gonna get her back, hun, don't you worry my  lover."

Orchid's POV
Everyone was freaking out, and all of a sudden mom gets a phone call from the French prison closest to us. "Hello? What? Mildred's in jail? What did she do? She got caught kidnapping someone?" Oh no.

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