An Epilogue

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"It's been forty years since I picked up six teenagers from an orphanage. Sixty since I picked up my first. And now, I, Oprah Winfrey, write my final will and testament. In my lifetime, I have had so much success. I split my money between my children: Orchid Winfrey, Allison Winfrey, November Nancy Winfrey, Lucifera Winfrey, Saffron Winfrey, May Winfrey-Styles, Fergus Winfrey, and Mildred Winfrey. I give my Los Angeles home and estate to May Winfrey Styles. All jewelry worn by me and in my possession will go to Lucifera Winfrey. Full control of all of my networks, companies, and lines go to my grandchildren, Paulette Styles, of May and Harry Styles, and Maurine Winfrey, daughter of Fergus and November. To Orchid goes my New York Estate, and my silver cutlery. Allison is to receive my ranch and animals. My cars will go to Mildred, and my restaurant chain will be in the hands of Saffron Winfrey. Signed, Oprah Winfrey."

Everyone in the room sighed. It has been exactly one month since Mom passed away, and we are only now reading the will. She died suddenly in her sleep, at the ripe age of 99. We all have successful careers now. But now, it's time to end this story.



Thank you for reading this horrible, yet beautiful, Fanfiction.

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