Chapter Eighteen

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In about a week, we were back at the White House. I was sitting kn the couch next to Feegus and November, who were making out? when I got a phone call from May.
"Hello? Why are you calling us at like, four in the morning?"
"I'm getting married! Edgar Nipslips asked me to be Mrs. Nipslips! The wedding is in two weeks!" she excitedly whispered, because they were already on the plane here from Novemberica. We all screamed, and we started to plan our routines for the wedding. Millie was going to be a flower girl, and everyone else was to be some other part. Lucifera was going to be there! She had gotten married, and she has a set of octuplets. The vampire, Vincent, was actually a huge jerk, and he died. Luci remarried, to a nice guy named Satanley. They suit each other well. I am so excited to see her. Mom was tearing up at the idea. 

-Two weeks later-

We are at May's dress fitting, and she selected a white silk gown, with beads and black silk embroidery. She looked great. Mom said she looks just like she did when Mom married first dad. Mom gave her the crown that everyone in the family wears, and it was magical! The wedding is later today, and we are doing the rehearsal in fifteen minutes. We heard their speeches, and the whole thing was amazing. Then the Wedding was about to start.

We helped May get ready, and all the little kids were part of it. The music went off, and everyone was ready. We went down the aisle first, and then May went down, with the sculpture of dead dad in her hand. Suddenly, she dropped it. It shattered, and everyone was freaked out. She got up, and kept walking. She reached Edgar, and they said their vows, and then the Pope did all the religious stuff. Their rings were really shiny, and then the whole thing was over. They ran back down, and then we got dressed for the reception. Once we got there, the food was served, and May said something, "I would like to thank you all for coming. I know today was an unconventional wedding date, Friday the 13th,  and many of you thought this was very satanic. I know many of you very well, and I know that some of you didn't even want to come until I said the Pope was going to do the religious part. I feel like many of you are afraid of living. So I am having my father's band, Seven Directions play their last song that they will write, Live a Lot and Don't Die Too Soon." 

Once the song was over and everyone had finished eating, The speeches were going to be made. First up was Fergus. "So many of you might not know that Edgar here is my second cousin. I remember this one time where his mom, oh god this is hilarious, where his mom just peed on his head. He tried to pick her up and put her on his shoulders, to impress his college buddies, and she just peed on him. She has since passed, may the anime watch over her. Thanks for being a great buddy, man." The whole room was in tears of laughter, and then someone spoke up in the back. Someone who they thought would never be seen again. "May! What are you doing up there, my daughter! Get down or else I will kill him!" It was Stedman's ghost! She must have released him when she dropped the statue! Mom stood up, and walked in front of her husband and said firmly, "No. You cannot touch her." Suddenly, he disappeared. Mom always did have that force over him. Then, Jared dropped dead. He was shot! Then, he jumped back up. "Just kidding." This room was dead silent, and then the happy couple decided open the smallest gift. It was car keys! Mom had boughten them a brand new sleek convertible limousine! Then, the couple got onto the dance floor. Then Harry swept his daughter away for the dance. Once that was done, everyone else started bopping to the funky beats (omg lol so nerdy!!) Everyone danced (and drank a ton of wine) for three hours. The drove off in their limo to their new house in New Jersey, and the day as done. We went back home to the White House, and Mom and Jared went back to their estate. We called over Gina, because we had never really talked to her, and she introduced herself. She was adopted herself, and decided to manage more adopted people. She said she has big plans for us. We hope her predictions are correct, so that we can get even more money from this. Mom wants more money, she says we a getting poor, her net worth is only 2 billion right now. We need more money. Mom said that she had a birthday surprise for us:  a massive dog! We walked outside only to see a massive, fluffy, dog the size of a small car, standing there, excitedly looking for people to play with. It was the best. We named him Pepe. 

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