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finahdinah added moniloves, allycat, loloregz, camilalovesbananas, and y/n to the chat

finahdinah: what up bishes?!

loloregz: who the fuck are you

finahdinah: rude ess

allycat: no cursing children!

camilalovesbananas: you're not my mom!

moniloves: i don't know any of y'all, how did you get my username?

y/n: same

finahdinah: that's for me to know and y'all to never figure out

y/n: I'm scared...

loloregz: shit, Y/N, is that you in your picture?

y/n: um, yeah... Why?

loloregz: you're fucking hot 😍 lets go to our own chat so you don't have to be scared anymore 😏

finahdinah: fuck girl regz

y/n left the conversation

camilalovesbananas: nice going idiot

allycat: you need jesus

moniloves: smh

finahdinah added y/n to the chat

finahdinah: lo, apologize

loloregz: for what?!

finahdinah: for being a fuck girl!

loloregz: ugh, fine. Y/N, I'm sorry.

y/n: you scared me even more wtf

loloregz: I'm sorry baby

y/n: don't call me that

loloregz: fine, I'm sorry baby girl

finahdinah: *whispers* goals

y/n: *whispers* don't call me that either, I'm straight

camilalovesbananas: lol not for long

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