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y/n: you guys are annoying

finahdinah: rude

y/n: except ally

allycat: aww, thanks sweets 😘

loloregz: don't be sending kissy faces to my girl 😡

allycat: I'll do what I want

y/n: when did I ever agree to being 'your' girl?

y/n: I like sassy ally 😂

loloregz: never, I just like calling you that

loloregz: sassy lo is better

moniloves: Awww, see? She's not all fuck girl

camilalovesbananas: DATE ALREADY

finahdinah: I am the Y/S/N captain 💁🏼

moniloves: can I be co-captain?

finahdinah: of course babe 😘

moniloves: 😘

loloregz: y/n why can't we be like Norminah? 😩

y/n: because I'm straight

loloregz: you don't have to be gay to be cute with me ):

y/n: I don't feel comfortable 'flirting' with someone I barely even know. Especially a girl.

allycat: do you guys not understand that she's straight? stop trying to force this on her

y/n: someone gets it! thankyou ally 💕

allycat: you're welcome 😘

loloregz: send my girl one more kissy face, i dare you 😡

allycat: y/n, 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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