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Y/N/K/U = Your new kik username

Y/N/K/U added loloregz, finahdinah, moniloves, allycat, and camilalovesbananas to the chat

Y/N/K/U: guys please talk to me

Y/N/K/U: baby I'm sorry

Y/N/K/U: please come home and I'll explain everything

Y/N/K/U: I love you

finahdinah: bullshit

Y/N/K/N: Dinah I'm being serious

Y/N/K/N: I didn't fucking want this but I had no choice

finahdinah: mhmm sure

Y/N/K/N: Camila tell Lauren to call me please

camilalovesbananas: I took her phone away nah

Y/N/K/N: what? Why?

camilalovesbananas: because I know if I give it back she'll just keep looking at pictures of y'all and cry

Y/N/K/N: give it back to her please

camilalovesbananas: nah she's good

Y/N/K/N: you and I both know that isn't true

Y/N/K/N: I read the letter she left me

Y/N/K/N: please just tell her to come home and I'll explain everything

Y/N/K/N: i don't wanna do this over text

moniloves: nah fam bye

moniloves left the conversation

finahdinah left the conversation

camilalovesbananas left the conversation

allycat left the conversation

Y/N/K/N: even you Ally? Wow

Y/N/K/N: baby you're still here and just know that I love you so fucking much and I always will. Please come home


Guys I won't be updating until further notice. My moms in the hospital and that's all I'm saying, so please, PLEASE don't comment or message me for an update.

Kik (Lauren/You)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat