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*5/6 chat*

finahdinah: Mila told us what happened, but what happened after she left?

loloregz: nothing really, I had to ask her for a hug and when i told her I'd message her later, well it was more like a question and she just said whatever

moniloves: have you messaged her?

loloregz: no, she seemed really upset, I don't know why though

allycat: Lauren, she was jealous! She likes you!

loloregz: she's straight

loloregz: no matter how many times you guys tell me this I'll always reply with that

loloregz: until she tells me otherwise, or that she likes me then I'll believe it

camilalovesbananas: Lo, come on

loloregz: no Camz, I don't wanna get my hopes up, I've been hurt before in the past. I don't want that to happen again

loloregz: and this time I feel like it would be worse because I actually really really like her

loloregz: even though i don't really know anything about her, I'm just drawn to her

allycat: are you gonna give up on her?

loloregz: i don't know, i think it's best if I did but I honestly don't want to

finahdinah: don't. we'll get her to talk to us, okay?

moniloves: we'll help you get your girl

loloregz: I love you guys

allycat: we love you too 💕💕 and I'm sorry for all the stuff I did in the beginning

loloregz: hahaha it's okay Ally, it was actually pretty funny

finahdinah: sassy Ally is the best 😂

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