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*chat without you*

Please don't comment any Camren shit. Thanks. Laurmila rise.

Lauren POV:

camilalovesbananas: pack up your stuff, I'm coming to get you

loloregz: what? Why?

finahdinah: she replied to our messages

loloregz: what did she say? Is she okay?

moniloves: *sends screenshot*

loloregz: oh

allycat: I'm so sorry Lo

loloregz: it's okay, I should've seen this coming

loloregz: it was good while it lasted I guess

finahdinah: I swear I'm gonna go down there to fucking kick her ass

loloregz: Dinah chill

finahdinah: no Lauren! She can't just fucking leave you like this, without a reason. She can't just basically throw you out like this. She's a fucking coward for not being up front and giving you a reason

loloregz: I know but there isn't anything I can do, I've tried everything. I even tried going to her job like Camz said and her co-worker wouldn't let me see her. She doesn't want me anymore and I'll have to deal with it

loloregz: I don't think or know if I'll ever get over her because this is the first time I've ever been in love but oh well.

loloregz: the damage is done

camilalovesbananas: I'm so sorry laur, I'll be there in a bit to help you pack

loloregz: thank you, I appreciate it

camilalovesbananas: don't mention it ❤️

I put my phone down and got up from the bed. Tears were streaming down my face rapidly, and my chest felt like it was caving in. I didn't think this would happen, especially like this.

I went to the closet, the closet I once shared with her. I grabbed a suitcase and filled it with as much as I could. There was a knock on the door, I went to go open and Camila was standing there. She wrapped her arms around me and I broke down completely.

"Shhh, it's okay." She said soothingly.

"It hurts so fucking much." I sobbed out.

"Here sit down, I'll pack the rest of your things." She said and sat me down on the couch.

"Thanks, I already have most of it." I told her and she nodded, going back into the room and getting another suitcase and packed.

As she did so, I just looked around the apartment. Thinking about all the memories that we shared here. We spent so much time on this couch, cuddling and watching movies. Talking about our day, stealing kisses, making love, fucking, all of that. I cried harder thinking about how I'll never be able to hold her again and kiss her perfect soft lips.

I looked at the coffee table and saw a notepad, with a pen lying next to it. I grabbed it and decided to write her a letter for when/if she comes home.

Hey princess,

I know we're not together anymore but I'm still calling you that because you'll always be my princess. My one and only. I'll never forget you or the times that we shared. I remember the moment I saw your beautiful face for the first time, my first thought was 'I want to marry that girl' I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. You're just so beautiful, and I was so drawn to you. I never believed in love at first sight but then I saw you. I got to know you and just kept falling even more. When we met, oh god when we met. I was so nervous and scared that I'd screw everything up, and I almost did. I'm still so sorry I agreed to trying to make you jealous, I just needed to know if you liked me back. I'd spend restless nights thinking of ways I could make you fall for me, ways to make you see that I'm the one that you need and deserve, and then ways to get over you because I felt like I was hopelessly in love. None of them worked. But then I eventually did get you to like me and I was so fucking happy. But I guess I didn't try hard enough, I guess I wasn't enough. Because you're leaving me. You're leaving me and it hurts like hell. I don't want this at all, I never did, and I never will. But all I care about is your happiness. And if I don't make you happy anymore, then I can't stay here and keep you from finding someone who does. I hope you find that person and they treat you like a queen because that's exactly what you are. You deserve nothing but the best. And I'm not that. I hope maybe one day in the far future we can be friends. But not yet or anytime soon because it's going to take ages to try and get over you.

I'm gonna stop writing now because I can't really see right now. I wish you well. I love you, and I always will.

Lauren xx

I set the pen and notepad down and wiped my eyes. The note was a bit smudged because my tears fell before the ink could dry.

"Okay, I'm done." I heard Camila say. I looked up and saw her with two suitcases and a bag filled with my things. I nodded and got up from the couch, and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed one of the suitcases and we head towards the door. I took the key she gave me out and set it on the table next to the door.

I looked back at our apartment one last time before turning the light off and shutting the door. We got to Camila's car and put my things in the backseat. I got in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on.

"You ready?" Camila asked and I shrugged.

"I guess." I told her and she sighed and started driving.

I pulled my phone out and pulled up Y/N's contact.

I packed up my things and I'm leaving now. You can come back and pretend like I never existed to you.

I sent the message and wiped my eyes. This hurts so much.

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