20 (Part 2)

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Lauren POV:

Fucking hell. Do I really look at Y/n like that all the time? I don't even realize I do it. I really hope she hasn't noticed.


We arrived at the buffet twenty minutes later and when we all got out of the car and started walking, I wanted to hold Y/N's hand but I knew I couldn't, and shouldn't.

Once we got inside we all paid for ourselves and got seated inside a booth, Camila literally pushed me to sit next to Y/N, and I didn't know whether to thank her or slap her for pushing me.

"What would y'all like to drink today?" Our waiter asked. We told him our drinks and got up to get our food.

We walked over to the plates and Y/N and I reached for the same plate, and I know this sounds cliché as fuck but when our fingers brushed against one another I felt a bolt of electricity run through my veins. I heard her gasp and a little part of me thought she felt the same thing but I know she didn't. She couldn't of had.

"Oh move out of the way I'm starving." Camila said pushing passed us and grabbing the plate. Y/N giggled and shook her head, I couldn't help but smile at the sound.

"Your laugh is so cute." I blurted out without thinking. I was about to apologize but then I saw her cheeks redden.

"Thanks, yours is too." She replied, getting her own plate as I got my own.

"It's obnoxious."

"No it's not!" She said shoving my shoulder lightly.

"It's adorable, and loud. Those are the best kinds." She told me, looking at me sincerely and I couldn't help but blush myself.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She said, and kissed my cheek.

My head shot towards her and she had her eyes wide open, and I blushed furiously.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." She apologized.

"N-no, it's okay. Really. I want you to do it again." I said, mumbling the last part.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing." I answered quickly. She just furrowed her eyebrows cutely and shrugged it off and I let out a relieved sigh.

I really need to watch what I say and do around her.

We finished getting our food and walked back to our table were we found our drinks, and Camila on her phone.

"You gonna eat or be on your phone the entire time?"

"Huh? Oh sorry, I was talking to Ally." She said putting her phone away. Y/N and I smirked as we sat down.

"Have you and Ally been talking a lot without us?" Y/N asked wiggling her eyebrows causing Camila to blush.

Well I guess flirting and making Y/N jealous is out of the picture...

"Y-yeah." Camila stammered out, playing with her food.

"Awwwww! Is Camally a thing?" She asked.

"No... Not yet at least." Camila replied smiling and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"I think y'all would make a cute couple." I told her and that caused her smile to grow.

"Thanks Lo." She said and I nodded. We started eating and talking until another waiter, well, waitress came over to our table.

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