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superkian13: hey, your mom called me the other day and said you were up for a date?

y/n: yeah, about that... Um

superkian13: you wanna cancel? I'd understand

y/n: no no it's not that, it's complicated

superkian13: what is it

y/n: I have a girlfriend

superkian13: oh that's nice, I respect that 😊

superkian13: but isn't your mom like really homophobic?

y/n: that's the thing, she doesn't know about my girlfriend

y/n: I only agreed to this date so she could get off my back

superkian13: ohh, so you just wanna say we went and we didn't wanna go another?

y/n: no, actually I was wondering if you could like, pretend to be my boyfriend? Because if we say that she's gonna be hassling me again to go out with another guy and I really do not want to

y/n: I've already talked to my girlfriend about everything and she's cool with it but she said she wants to set some ground rules

superkian13: okay I'm down, I could practice my acting some more lol

y/n: oh yeah! You wanna become an actor, I saw your movie the other day, good work man!

superkian13: thanks! 😄

superkian13: you can add your girlfriend to the chat so she can tell me the rules

y/n: okay

y/n added loloregz to the chat

y/n: babe, this is Kian

superkian13: hi 😊

loloregz: hey

loloregz: I only have three rules, and I swear if you fucking break them

superkian13: I won't, I promise. I don't wanna come between y'all

loloregz: mhmm

loloregz: so

loloregz: rule number one: NO kissing at all. On the cheek is okay but only for like half a second, no lingering kisses.

superkian13: got it

loloregz: don't touch her, or even think about touching her

superkian13: hand holding? Hugging?

loloregz: yeah those are fine, nothing other than that.

superkian13: cool cool

loloregz: don't fall in love with her or try and steal her from me. That's the biggest rule.

superkian13: I would never do that. That's the lowest of the low. I've know Y/N for ages and if I was planning on falling in love with her I think I would have already lol

superkian13: my parents are like hers, they wanted to set us up but we both don't want to. I'm only doing this because I want help her out and I don't want my parents hassling me anymore either

loloregz: okay good

y/n: so we're all settled?

loloregz: yeah

y/n: Kian you wanna come over to our place on Friday? Just to make it seem like we hung out

superkian13: yeah sure if it's cool with Lauren?

loloregz: yeah

superkian13: cool, can I bring Jc?

y/n: omg yes, I miss that curly headed fuck

loloregz: who's Jc?

superkian13: my best friend

loloregz: oohh

superkian13: yeah lol

y/n: he still doesn't have a crush on me right..?


superkian13: y/n you are such an ass 😂

superkian13: she's joking Lauren, he never liked her

loloregz: you bitch 😒

y/n: oh yas zaddy

superkian13: and that is my cue to fucking leave 😂

loloregz: she's a tease and an ass. I am one lucky girl

y/n: you are what you eat

superkian13: shit bitch me too

y/n: 😂😂😂

superkian13: text me your address later, I gotta film a video with Jc right now

y/n: will do

superkian13: ✌🏼️

loloregz: I like him, he's cool

y/n: see? I told you you had nothing to worry about baby

loloregz: yeah yeah yeah, I go on my break in a few, let's go to lunch

y/n: you're fucking texting while on the job?

loloregz: yolo

y/n: Jfc I'll be there in a few

loloregz: kk

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