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Y/N: my dad gave Lauren "the talk" and it was hilarious

loloregz: no it wasn't oh my god

Y/N: you literally almost pissed yourself 😂

finahdinah: I wish I was there to see that 😂

loloregz: "you hurt my daughter, I hurt you" GTG

Y/N: my dad wouldn't even hurt a fly

allycat: mine wouldn't either but if Camila hurt me he'd throw hands

camilalovesbananas: I'll throw hands at myself if I ever did

moniloves: we all throwing hands

Y/N: so I throw my hands up to punch u in throat

loloregz: I'm engaged to a fucking dork 😂

finahdinah: ENGAGED

allycat: BITCH WHAT

moniloves: ally it's not a wedding

camilalovesbananas: Y'ALL ARE LIKE TWELVE


If I don't update tomorrow or Sunday it's because I died while my friend was trying to teach me how to drive lmao

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