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*5/6 chat*

loloregz: she's being distant

loloregz: guys I'm so fucking scared

finahdinah: how is she being distant?

loloregz: she won't let me hold her or kiss her. She usually falls asleep in my arms but now she just turns around and falls asleep, when I try to touch her she pushes me away

moniloves: have you asked her why?

loloregz: no, I'm too afraid to, I don't want her to blow up on me

moniloves: tell her you love her

loloregz: what?!

loloregz: no!

allycat: Lauren come on. You guys have been dating for five months now, that I love you is long overdue

camilalovesbananas: she's right. And you guys live together for fucks sake

loloregz: I'm just scared okay

loloregz: especially now more than ever

loloregz: I don't know what I would do if she didn't say it back

moniloves: I'm more than sure that she'll say it back. How can she not be in love with you too? She went against her parents beliefs to be with you. She's pretending to be someone she's not to be with you. Lauren, that girl loves you. And you need to tell her you love her too.

finahdinah: who knew my girl could be so deep

moniloves: you first handedly know how deep I can be 😏

finahdinah: gtg

loloregz: my god 😂

loloregz: but okay, I will. Thank you Mani

moniloves: any time girl ❤️

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