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Lauren POV:

I quickly got up from the couch and practically ran to Y/N and I's room, swinging the door open and whimpering at the sight in front of me. My assumptions were correct. There lays my girlfriend, stark naked, her legs spread wide open with her hand between them, pressing a small pink vibrator against her clit.

She looked up at me, biting her lip, and motioned me over with a finger from her free hand. I quickly took the oversized shirt I was wearing off, leaving me only in a pair of black lace panties, and made my way over to the bed.

I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, causing her to groan, I crashed my lips onto hers and she started kissing me hard.

As I started kissing my way down her body there was a knock on the door.

"Just ignore it, keep going, please." My girlfriend begged and I nodded. Continuing my kisses down her stomach, to her thighs. As I was about to kiss her inner thighs the knocking got more intense and annoying

Y/N groaned and got up from the bed, slipping on a pair of shorts and my old Softball jersey, walking to the living room and opening the door.

"What?!" She said as she opened the door and I laughed lightly.

"M-mom? D-dad?" I heard and I shot up. Quickly putting some clothes on.

What the fuck are they doing here?!


Whoever's fucking knocking better be wanting a death sentence because I'm ready to kill a bitch.

"What?!" I screamed as I answered the door.

"Now that isn't the way you speak to your parents Y/N." My mom said as she stood in the door way with my father.

"M-mom? D-dad?" What the fuck are they doing here?!

"Can we get a hug?" She asked opening her arms and I slowly walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her and my dad joined in.

I pulled away after a few seconds and I told them to come in.

"Who's jersey is that?" My dad asked. I looked down and my eyes widened. I forgot I was wearing Lauren's old jersey. Fuck.

"Uh, it's a friends."

"Why are you wearing it?"

"I haven't done laundry yet, and this was the only clean thing that was here." I said and he just shrugged and nodded and I let out a sigh.

"Um, do y'all want anything to drink?" I asked and they shook their head.

"Okay, um, but not to be rude or anything, but what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"You know the Lawley family?" She asked and I internally groaned. I already know where this is going.

"Mom, I am not going out with Kian." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Why not? You guys haven known each other since y'all were kids!"

"And? Mom I don't like him that way, yeah he's attractive and really sweet but I'm not interested. I've told you this many times before."

"Y/N, you're twenty years old and you still aren't in a relationship. You should be engaged by now already." She said and my eyes widened.

"Engaged?! Are you mad?! I don't plan on getting married until I'm at least twenty-five."

"And how do you plan on doing that if you don't go out and meet guys?" She asked and I rubbed my temples.

"Mom, I am perfectly capable of meeting someone on my own." I replied.

"Then why haven't you yet?"

"Because I want to focus on myself and my career until I'm ready." I would always say that, and it was true up until I met Lauren. I never had time for a relationship before but that all changed when I met her. I changed my work schedule so I could be home more to be with her.

"You've been saying that for the past three years."

"My god mom, I just turned twenty! My life is just starting out, I don't have time for a relationship okay?"

"Honey, she's right. We should be happy that she's focused on her work and life rather than some guy that will probably just use her." My dad said and I smiled at him. He's always been so much more understanding than my mom. I think, maybe, just maybe he'll be okay with Lauren and I if he ever found out.

"Can you just go out on a date with Kian? Please? For me?" She asked and I groaned.

"Fine! If it'll get you to stop bugging me so much about this." I said and she clapped her hands together happily

"Thank you!" She said getting up and hugging me.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I said hugging back slightly.

"I'll let him know you said yes!" She said pulling away and walking towards the door.

My dad got up and pulled me into a hug as well.

"If he tries anything, let me know and I'll take care of it." My dad whispered in my ear and I giggled, nodding.

"Will do pops." I said as he pulled away.

"I'll call you with the details!" My mom said before closing the door.

I let out a frustrated groan and slammed my hand down on the counter, and Lauren walked out of our room with a sad look on her face.

"You're going on a date with someone?" She asked looking up at me with her eyes watering. I quickly walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her lips.

"No baby, don't cry. It isn't gonna be a real date. I've know Kian for a long time, and remember when you said I could get a fake boyfriend?" I asked and she nodded.

"I think he'll be the perfect one to be that, he's really understanding, accepting and respectable. If I tell him about us, I'm sure he'll help."

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded.

"Positive baby." I said and she nodded.

"But if he tries to kiss you I swear I'll fucking cut his balls off." She said and I couldn't help but bite my lip.

"You know, you're really fucking hot when you're jealous." I said and she smirked.

"And you're really hot when you're wearing my old softball jersey." She said lifting it up over my ass, and giving it a light squeeze, causing me to moan.

"Wanna go finish what we started?" She asked and I quickly nodded. She picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist and crashed my lips onto hers as she carried me back to our bedroom.


So your parents have finally made an appearance.

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