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loloregz: do you want kids?

Y/N: what?

loloregz: do you want kids? With me? Do you wanna start a family?

Y/N: of course I do but not yet

loloregz: why not?

Y/N: we've only been together for six months

loloregz: so? Lesbians move fast

loloregz: and I know I wanna be with you and only you forever

Y/N: can we discuss this when I get home? This isn't exactly over text conversation

loloregz: yeah of course

Y/N: okay, I'll see you in a few

Y/N: I love you

loloregz: I love you too princess


Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was out with my friends all day and didn't have time to write. I won't be updating on Monday either, I'll possibly double update Sunday or Tuesday. Idk

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