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loloregz: baby

loloregz: Dinah sent me screenshots of your conversation

loloregz: do you really like me?

loloregz: because that's honestly so fucking great

loloregz: can we please try this?

loloregz: I totally understand if you want to get to know me more, I'd like to get to know you more

loloregz: let me take you out on a date?

loloregz: please?

loloregz: if it works out we can hide from your parents, we can make it work

loloregz: if it doesn't work out I'd still like to be friends

loloregz: i just don't want to have the thought of 'what if' if we don't try

loloregz: please

loloregz: we don't even have to tell the girls

loloregz: it could be our little secret

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