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finahdinah: she was worrying about you!

y/n: you could have told her I was okay! You didn't have to fucking send her our entire conversation! I didn't want her to hear that I liked her from you! /I/ wanted to tell her!

finahdinah: we both know you weren't going to do that

y/n: it doesn't mater whether I was going to or not! You had no fucking right!

finahdinah: I was just trying to help her!

finahdinah: the girl is practically in love with you!

finahdinah: yes, it may seem too soon and what not, and you may barely know each other but I honestly don't think that matters

finahdinah: all she knows about you is your name, and what type of music you like, yet she's able to write these long heartfelt paragraphs about you

finahdinah: all the things she loves about you

finahdinah: stop being a scared little shit and give her a chance!

finahdinah: your parents need to get their heads out of their asses and understand that love is love

finahdinah: you're their daughter, they should love you no matter what

finahdinah: Lauren is an amazing and beautiful girl, give her a chance

finahdinah: what if you don't? What if ten years from now you're with some guy? You're married, you have kids together but you keep thinking 'what if Lauren and I got together? Would she be the one holding me instead of him right now? Would she be the one I wake up to every morning for the rest of my life? Would she be the one reading our children bedtime stories, and tucking them in at night?' Think about it Y/N. Do you really want to avoid your feelings and regret it in the future?

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