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Y/N: baby I'm so sorry

Y/N: I didn't want this

Y/N: please call me or come back home and I'll explain everything

Y/N: please Lauren

Y/N: I love you too

Y/N: I love you so fucking much

Y/N: I need you, please baby

Y/N: I want to explain in person

Y/N: I need to see you again

Y/N: I wanna be in your arms and kiss your lips

Y/N: please you'll understand when I tell you

Y/N: just come home

I tried calling her but it kept going straight to voicemail. I called Camila but she didn't answer. I tried five more times, nothing. I kept trying to call the rest of the girls but they went straight to voicemail as well. I guess they blocked me.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?! They've blocked me on every social media as well and I don't know where Camila lives.

I just want my girl back.

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