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loloregz: babe?

loloregz: baby?

loloregz: Y/N?

loloregz: are you okay?

loloregz: babe come on, you haven't spoken to any of us in two days, we've been blowing up your messages

loloregz: I'm worried about you

loloregz: y/n this isn't funny

loloregz: please tell me you're okay

loloregz: are you mad or something?

loloregz: did I or one of the girls do something to upset you?

loloregz: baby please

loloregz: I'll fix it

loloregz: I'll do my best to fix it

loloregz: please reply to at least one of us so we know you're okay

loloregz: fuck

loloregz: come on

loloregz: I'm about to cry

loloregz: I miss you

loloregz: a whole fucking lot

loloregz: you're probably gonna get mad at me for asking this but I have to

loloregz: are you mad at me? Because of that waitress?

loloregz: it was all a gag

loloregz: the girls wanted to see if you would get jealous if someone else flirted with me, it was supposed to be Camila but she didn't feel okay with it because of Ally

loloregz: the waitress was in on it

loloregz: she never gave me her number

loloregz: she has a boyfriend

loloregz: y/n come on

loloregz: I'm not gonna leave you alone until I know you're okay

loloregz: you're lucky I don't know where you live or else i would have already went

loloregz: I know that sounds creepy or whatever but it's true, I'm just really worried about you and I miss you so much

loloregz: baby please respond

loloregz: please

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