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finahdinah added moniloves, allycat, and camilalovesbananas to the chat

finahdinah: Lauren totally likes y/n

moniloves: it's obvious

allycat: she probably isn't the best at expressing her emotions so she covers it up with being a fuck girl

camilalovesbananas: but that still doesn't change the fact that y/n is 'straight'

finahdinah: shit I thought I was straight but then I saw Normani 😩

moniloves: aww, babe 😘

allycat: wait, you guys have seen each other?

finahdinah: yeah, we have our own chat and she sent me a photo of her, and I sent her one of me

camilalovesbananas: I think y/n is the only one with a photo of her as her avi

allycat: she is

moniloves: someone asks for pictures in the group chat so y/n can see Lauren

finahdinah: yaasss I wanna put a face to the other half of my ship

allycat: guys, try to cool it on the Y/S/N thing, we don't want y/n to feel uncomfortable around Lauren

finahdinah: yeah you're right

allycat: but I'd be lying if I said I didn't ship them... Even though I know nothing about them. I just feel like they have a connection?

moniloves: same

camilalovesbananas: same

finahdinah: same

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