Chapter 30: The Broken Rose

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Ruby's POV:

I open my eyes and looked around. I felt empty. All my family surrounded me. Even long has be been there?

"Ruby, what happened?" Yang put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her hand then back at her. "Ruby...? Or Red?"

I started crying and hugged my big sister.

Yang's POV:

I felt something from Ruby. All that was happening...that feeling I felt emanating from her. I looked at Dad and he also recognised what was happening. This was like what happened fifteen years ago. This sensation...this was the exact same reaction the day we told her Summer wasn't coming home.

Blake looked like she knew what just happened.

Every one backed up as myself and Dad held her...the same way we did that day fifteen years ago.

Something must have happened to...Red. But it was obvious to me and enough to Dad, that part of Ruby died within her.

Her sadness started to effect me as well. But I was her big sister. I had to stay strong for her. Dad had his emotionless face on. Slowly everyone came to embrace her. First Weiss grouped in, then Blake, and Jaune. Qrow put his hand on Ruby's head and pet it in a soothing manner. The only ones standing out was my mother and Winter.

I was close to crying. Out of everyone, Blake's dam broke first. She ended up crying with Ruby. Then Weiss...then me. Jaune did a cross gesture, tapping his forehead then his shoulders.

Winter watched. Mom covered her mouth. Even with her strong look, as her daughter, even I could tell she was hurt. Probably to see the resemblance of her old friend in pain.

We all held Ruby. The entire Team RWBY had been broken.

I felt anger coming from Ruby and I looked at her. Although she was crying, rage had consumed her. I seen those eyes...Twice in one day. But I could do something about it. This was my sister. I had to do something about it.

Suddenly the PA systems went off. On came a voice I didn't recognized. But I felt Ruby and Blake freeze. Dad and Uncle Qrow stood up and Mom walked to them.

Intruder...breach... The voice was unstable and obviously belonging to a pissed off man. Intialize phase two. Maximum production. This war starts now!

As soon as the PA system shut off, Ruby stood up and ran into the corridors.

"Ruby!!" I couldn't stop her in time. We chased after her, the corridors were massive, so we split up.

Despite all she's done. The lives she took, I could not allow her to take one more life just out of pure vengeance.

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