Pickup Lines

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[I had to okayde-fraisiers☁]

MIKE: I know I'm always screaming,  but I'll make you scream louder tonight.
JEREMY: My jacket sleeves aren't the only long thing on me.
PHONE GUY: I lost my phone number, can I have yours?
PURPLE GUY: I made those children scream, so now I'll make you scream.
ME: I ran out of candy... I don't have anything sweet to eat, so can I eat you?
CHICA: Why eat pizza when you can eat me?
BONNIE: If you play a guitar to a song correctly, it sounds wonderful. And that's just how humans sound when you touch them in the right places.
FREDDY: I'll make you sing tonight.
GOLDEN FREDDY: Are you from Tennessee, becau– [drops note cards] I-I... I'm sorry y-your just so beautiful, th-this is my first time doing this...
FOXY: Can I claim the treasure in your panties as mine?
TOY CHICA: I may be sexy, but I'm not sexier then you.
TOY BONNIE: I know I look like a girl, but that doesn't mean that I'm not great in bed.
TOY FREDDY: Why don't I take you someplace more pleasurable, like my bed?
MARIONETTE: This box was built for two, y'know.
BALLOON BOY: I might be small, but my dick isn't.
SPRIBGTRAP: I'm hurt, maybe you can kiss all my boo-boos... Especially the one on my dick.

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