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djfreddy13 says "I dare Mike to try and flirt with me and then the next day you see his grave :D".

Mike: Hey, cutie, there's a sale at my bedroom, all clothes are 100% off.
djfreddy13: ...

The very next day...

Me: (Looks at Mike's gravestone) I don't miss him.
Jeremy: (Crying v loudly)
Purple Guy: (Fucking sobbing to the point of about to throw up there are tears all over his face and he's coughing as well (friendly reminder that him and mike were datemates))
lifeamongthestarss: rip
Phone Guy: he owed me money and now I can't get money (cries)
HomestuckNamedAli: ding dong the witch is dead
Neko-Haylee123: lmao idc

Here Lies
Michael J. Schmidt
September 10th, 1983 — December 26th, 2015

I hate to leave you all behind, but we'll meet again someday.”

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