okay some important shit

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Me: Okay, I saw my Parent get misgendered in the comments, and it isn't okay to misgender anybody.
Jeremy: If you're mad at them and you purposely misgender them, you're an asshole and we don't want you reading this story.
Fritz: If you did it on accident, it's okay. Apologize to them and start making sure you use the correct pronouns. If you mess up again, leave and memorize their pronouns. Because if you don't, we'll all get mad at you for misgendering that person.
Purple Guy: Even if that person prefers Xe/Xem or any other pronouns you aren't used to using, use the correct pronouns.
Phone Guy: It doesn't matter if you dislike them. You should never misgender anybody.
Mike: You could lose their friendship and make them dislike you if you don't use the correct pronouns. I'm sure you or the other person wouldn't want that.

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