Quotes From The Author

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i'm really fucking
bored okay and I have
no chapter ideas

“Dragons don't need brains.”

“What if yogurt was actually the worker's at that factory's cum just frozen or whatever.”


“I wrote tentacle porn once.”

“Cum and glitter mixed together would make glitter glue.”

“Why eat food when you can eat me?”

“A dog is getting pet right now and if that won't make you happy what will.”

“Give me the rainbow pencil so I can show gay pride even though I'm not gay I'm mostly gay even though I'm Agender.”

“I want to fuck the ceiling.”

“When I'm older I'm gonna buy a box full of sex toys and throw them at people.”

“Bitch Be-Gone hand sanitizer.”

“The masturbation duo.”

“I licked peanut butter off of the ceiling once.”

There's so many hot girls.... too bad they're all straight and probably Russian spies.”

“Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if hats didn't exist?”

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