Disaster the morning after Part 9

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I woke cold and alone in an empty hotel room a note attached to the lamp beside me

Early flight, had to leave

You were amazing, give me a buzz if you're ever in London.


I wiped the sleep from my eyes and tried to piece together the night before all was good up until I remembered leaving the club, Brian was there he was begging me to come home I refused and let Andy drag me away Brian looked broken as I walked away he was only trying to protect me.

Fuck Maggie why are you so stupid! He'll never speak to you again

I found my phone and switched it on I couldn't even read the texts I had gotten from Brian I deleted them all before I had the chance to look. I needed to call someone but whom? Not Brian I don't think I could even face him the way I felt. Sal? That's it I dialled the number and listened to the ringing finally he answered "Go for Vulcano"


"Maggie? What's wrong" he sounded alarmed

"I need you to come get me please?"

"Y..Yeah okay calm down text me your address I'll be right there sweetie"

I pulled on my clothes from last night they smelled of tequila and shame as I made my way down to the lobby to wait for Sal I could feel people watching me they knew what I had done I felt disgusting.

Sal arrived and put his coat around my shoulders nothing was said as we drove off my mind was racing with a million thoughts and feelings

"Wait!" I roared Sal hit the brakes hard "I need you to take me to him"

"Maggie I don't think..."

"Please Sal I need to see him" he nodded and turned the car around we pulled up outside the apartment "will you wait for me?" he said he would be parked right around the corner.

I approached the door and took a deep breath as I gave a weak knock as soon I seen him I wanted to run away. His hair was a mess and his eyes were red raw, had he cried over me? Still in last night's clothes he stood back to let me in "you have 10 minutes" his voice was a croak nothing like the usual deep confidence he projected.

"I don't even know what to say Q I feel disgusted I acted horribly but we aren't together you shouldn't be mad"

"I'm not mad" he shrugged

"You're not?" he didn't even look me in the eye he just looked straight past me as if I wasn't there

"Like you said we're not together go fuck Mr British prince charming if you want cause has so much younger, and fitter and just so much fucking better than me isn't he?" he had never spoken to me like this I couldn't hold back the tears

"Brian please" I tried to reach for him but he pushed me away

"I've had to work for weeks to even get you to look at me I really thought we had something but a few drinks from pretty boy and you're jumping into his bed"

I couldn't even speak was this his way of showing his feelings for me?

"I think you should leave now Maggie" he whispered as he opened the door.

I heard it slam behind me the deafening knock was nothing compared to the pounding in my head I didn't say anything to Sal as he drove me back home he told me he would give me a call later that evening.

Thankfully Murr wasn't home I couldn't bear to face anyone else today I sat in the shower and let the steaming water rain down on me I just wanted to wash this feeling away but it wasn't leaving.

I lay on my bed sobbing into my Benjamin teddy there was literally no way to make this better part of me whished I had never seen the advertisement for the apartment none of this would of happened but I would still be living in a shitty apartment fearing for my safety.

I had cried myself to sleep after that and woke up when the sun was just setting I could hear faint voices outside my room my stomach rumbled as I realised I hadn't ate in almost 24 hours I pulled on my hoodie pulling up the hood I just wanted to disappear inside it I opened my door and creeped out to the kitchen pouring myself a glass of orange I could see Joe and Murr sitting on the sofa I don't think they had noticed me yet but unfortunately they did after I shut the fridge too loud.

"Heyy you dirty dog heard you didn't come home last night" Joe called to me shit, they obviously hadn't talked to Q or Sal yet

"How was your night Maggie?" James asked "find any princes to whisk you off your feet" I could hear how sincere he was but it didn't stop me bursting into tears the two men just stared at each other confused between sobs I explained what had happened James tried to reassure me it was all okay.

Joe admitted he didn't know what to say but he told me it would all work out whether anyone of us believed it was a different story he have me a huge hug and left for a dinner date night with Bessy and her parents .

"What am I going to do Murr?" I asked as we curled on the sofa he had made me food but I wasn't hungry I felt emotionally and physically drained of life

"I can't tell you Maggie I mean Q's one of my best friends maybe it was wrong of him to get mad but you did humiliate him and walk away with a complete stranger, Q would have hated himself forever if something happened to you and Sal.." James was never two sided it's one of the things I came to rely on when talking to him.

"What about Sal?" I asked James just shook his head rubbing at his bottom lip with his thumb as if he hadn't said a word.

"They're not coming over tonight are they?" I wasn't ready to be in the same room with all four of them. Murr shook his head "Joes out, Qs not answering his phone I haven't been talking to Sal and I uhh.. Well I have a date"

I shot my head up almost instantly "what? Murr oh my gosh that's great" I'd spent so long spilling all my problems he hadn't got a chance to tell me he smiled as he told me "Well her name is Lynda she's a nurse, I've bumped into her in the lobby a few times. She lives a few floors up and we caught the same elevator last week so I decided to just go for it and ask her out and thankfully she said yes."

I gave him a smile as he went to get himself ready it had taken my mind off Brian for a while and it made me feel so happy Murr had found someone he had an attraction too. He emerged from his room dressed very smartly in jeans and waistcoat "James Murray you can perform on front of thousands of people a night but here you are preparing for a date and you're shaking"

He gave me a friendly push and headed out thedoor I got cosy in my bed with my laptop after listening to hours of songs about life and love and pain I had a good long think to myself maybe it was time to get out of New York I had been here almost two years and what had I got to show for it working in a coffee shop every day when I left university I wanted to travel the world but all I did was run away to a new city for a new life come to think of it was that what I was trying to do now?


Authors Note Okay guys that's the first 9 chapters of Saviour published. PLEASE REVIEW! I will update as soon as I can if you really can't wait the completed version is on both AO3 and Fanfiction.net



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