Rise and Shine Part 27

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Morning came and I found myself still in Sals room I had my head on his chest curled into a ball and his arm over my shoulder I could tell he was awake by his breathing "Morning sleepy" he smiled as I rubbed my eyes on his t-shirt Sal gave a laugh my head rose and fell with his breathing.

I looked up watching him as he curled my hair around his fingers smiling "Sal?" he looked down at me yawning "Yeah?"

"Is this weird?"

Sal thought about it "yeah it's totally weird?"

I got up from the bed immediately stretching and shaking off the weirdness "I'm Uhh gonna go wake Brian for the beach." I smiled pointing towards the door.

Sal tried to move "ah fuck" he was obviously in pain from the fall "Yeah you go do that I'm gonna just lay here and die" he laughed pulling a pillow over his head.

I sneaked into my room where Brian was still fast asleep lying on his back he looked so cute with his mouth open and hair all scuffed. "CANNONBALL" I roared taking a run and jumping onto his stomach Q woke with a scream before laughing when he seen me gazing at him my elbows propped up on his chest. "Morning Q-utie" I giggled starting into his eyes

"You son of a bitch" Q cursed flicking my on the nose. I stretched up kissing him softly he groaned as I ran my hands through his hair sliding his hands around my waist, his lips were soft as I ran my teeth along them lightly teasing him I pulled away smiling as he pouted "No fair" he stretched his hands out beckoning me to return to his grasp

"C'mon lazy the day is dawning and the beach is calling" I yelled running down the hall to Joes room

"What time is it?" Murr groaned from under his blanket as I barged my way into their room and threw open the blinds. "Just after seven thirty" I sang

"Go back to bed Morning, it's too early" Joe protested to the new day

Within the hour three very sleepy Americans grumbled and yawned their way down to the kitchen. I crept into Fallons room trying not to wake the sleeping dragon that was my older sister finding her wetsuit and swimsuit I sneaked back out before she caught me I was so excited to get back in the water apart from my impromptu swim the night before it had been so long since I'd been in I couldn't wait to taste the salt water on my lips and feel light as a feather gliding through the water.

As I stood in my room pulling at the legs on my suit I could hear Apollo enter the kitchen "Good mornin Jokers, ready for some water sports?" the guys gave a grumbled response "Alright sweet, well the delightfully beautiful Bronach from the surf shop is going to deliver the kayaks to the beach within the hour meanwhile here are your wetsuits"

"You really don't expect Gatto to squeeze his gut into this do ya?" Brian laughed

"Hey fuck you man I'm a beach babe!" Joe retorted to his friend I giggled my way into Sals room as they proceeded to argue over the wetsuits

"Hey could you zip this for me?" I motioned to my back Sal gave a yell of pain as he sat up "Are you sure you don't wanna come with?"

Sal shook his head "There is no way I'm getting back in that water again, it was too much of a close call" he frowned as he replayed the incident in his head "I'm so scared Maggie" he whispered softly

"Hey no tears, it's over now you're safe a little bruised but safe, when Fallon had her accident in the water it took her months to get back in again. Just have a rest for a while, then come down and watch later okay" I patted him on the shoulder and got up to fix myself in the mirror I loved how the wetsuit sucked so much in, my body became curvy in places I wanted It too. I actually didn't feel disgusted looking at myself.

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