Divorced ch.1

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It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer~ E.B.White.

I can admit, I felt odd being in the city. Usually I'm use to the quiet suburban area, where crime never happens and sleep always occur. Some odd reason the sound of honking and pissed off pedestrians make me smile, but the horrible traffic and finding parking those piss me off. I guess I would have to do a lot of walking from now on. I don't mind, I need to exercise anyway.

After what it seemed like hours, I finally found parking only a block away from the nice hotel that I will stay in for a while, until I can get back on my feet. The hotel on the outside was beautiful, and in the inside it was- how can I put this-Exquisite! Two huge chandeliers hung from the stone ceiling that had painting of angels. There was modern sofas in the lobby and a large round desk in the middle.

The service at the hotel was fast, just the way I like it. When I gave them my name, they instantly gave me a key and room. Unlike other hotels I've been to, I had to wait a hour to get a room that I already booked. The hotel room was modern, once I walked in I was greeted with a thick wall of glass that made the other side blurry.

"The glass is a good touch." I said to myself I was closed the door behind me. I walked around the glass to see a king size bed that looked like it was connected to the wood floor. From where I was standing, I could already tell the gray sheets was pure silk. The kitchen was only a few feet away and so was the living room. Basically the hotel had everything in one area and still had a good living space for one person. I loved it.

I jumped on the soft bed so my face can hit the silk sheets. "It feels more like a vacation." I said to myself. I decided to text Danielle to ease her nerves a little. Since it's seven in the evening, maybe I can go out for dinner. Maybe buy some pizza and a bottle of Cîroc or two bottles.

I grabbed my phone and wallet before going to the elevator at the end of the hall. When the doors open, I was instantly introduced with grey eyes that belonged to a very tall, caramel skin man that had a body like a sex God.

"H-hello." I said as I stepped on the narrow elevator that was contaminated with his scent. I think.

"Hello." His voice was deep and husky, just like my ex husband's. I rolled my eyes from the memory of that bastard. "Nice night, huh?"

I gave him a nod. "Yeah."

He smiled. Gosh that smile is just great. "You're new here? I mean you never came to New York before."

I chuckled. "How did you know?"

"I have like a sixth sense. Also I'm a New Yorker."

"Oh, of course the accent. I should of known. Is there a good pizza place around here and liquor store?" I asked.

He nod. "Yes, once you walk out the hotel there's one across the street and a liquor store around the corner."

I nod. Soon there was a moment of silence before the elevator doors opened; showing us the empty lobby. "Well, it was nice to meet you."

"Wait, what's your name?"

Oh boy. "Skyler."

He smirked. "Justin."

Once again I rolled my eyes. "My ex husband name is Justin." With that I turned around and walked out the hotel. Yup, my ex husband's name is Justin. That bitch Justin that has a small dick and a speck of ego. I hate him so much.

"Whoa, calm down Sky. Don't get worked up over him."


After sleeping off the liquor and pizza I consumed, I took a shower, brush my teeth and dressed into my business dress so I can meet my new publicist. When I walked into her office, I wasn't nervous nor excited- more like calm. Truthfully I didn't come to New York to work, I came to New York to be free and get drunk, maybe have some hookups.

"Ms. Mitchell." The receptionist stood in front of me to get my attention.


"Ms. Autumn wants to see you now." I nod and stood on my feet before fixing my dress. "Nice dress." I heard a feminine voice say, but before I can look up to say thank you, I was already in the large office. A tall woman with red-like hair, her milky skin and dark green eyes made her look kinda older especially with the wrinkles.

"Hello." I greeted to get her attention.

"You can have a seat." Her voice was a little deep and stern. I did what she told me and sat there until she spoke up. "How are you liking New York so far?"

"The pizza is good." I chuckled. "And so is the liquor." I added hoping to earn a smile, but instead a stare.

"I don't really work well with alcoholic writers, they make crazy stories."

I cleared my throat. "Shakespeare, Poe and Patterson made crazy stories, but they never had alcohol problems."

Ms. Autumn sighed. "Shakespeare had depression, Poe was a lunatic that married little girls and Patterson is weird. Unless you have all three of those things-"

"No, I don't." I interrupted. "Unless you count a newly divorced woman on that list. Listen, If you don't want to be my publicist, fine. I can take my money some where else or go back to Becky."

She sighed then shook her head. "I read your book, it was very good."

"And you expect me to write better books."

"Wouldn't you?" She asked.

Of course! It's just hard to write another love story that good. Especially after the divorce, I don't think I can find love again. I wanted to say, but instead. "Yeah. Like everyone else."

"I'll be your publicist. The charge is two thousand every month, do you think you can handle?"

I nod. "Yup. Tha-"

A low knock on the door interrupts my sentence. Then a woman with brown skin, thin waist, tall frame and medium length hair walked in the room. She's of course beautiful, hold confidence, and have a bad ass personality.

"Yes, Regina?" Ms. Autumn asked with a hint of irritation in her voice. "I'm with a client."

"I need to talk to you about my book." Her voice seemed soft.

"Can it wait?"

"No, it can not." Regina sat beside me in the empty chair. "Nice dress." It was her, who said that when I walked in.

"Thanks." I said. "Maybe I should leave." I stood up. "Bye."

"We will talk later." Ms. Autumn gave me a nod, a sign of dismissal.

I looked down at Regina to see she was looking at me like I was a piece of chocolate. I didn't mind, I love a good eye raping. I gave Regina a wave before walking out the office door.
Time to get drunk and fat on pizza and burgers.

LeToya Luckett as Regina in m/m

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