Divorced ch.41

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The sound of soft snores filled the room as I looked towards the violet curtains across the room that blocked out the sun and the outside world. I cuddled against Aaron's body, with my head on his exposed hard chest and my arm draped around his torso; I was warm and comfy. I didn't want to leave his side to get dress nor start breakfast, even though I should since Mike would be waking up very soon.

Although I needed to get up, I did not move from my spot; I only snuggled into his chest even more. Mike can always have cereal... Aaron's arms grew tighter around my waist once he felt me shift against him. A smile spread across my face from the action, even he did not want me to go.

I took the opportunity to admire his features; his perfectly sculpted muscles that seem to be made of marble- as if he was a statue that became alive, the art work upon his skin made him look even more delicious and the stubble upon his chin made me want to kiss all over his face.

I was at peace... Not from the closeness or the way his muscles flex every time he takes a breath of air, but at the thought Aaron opened up to me so easily- well not easily considering he almost drunk the whole bottle of Hennessy last night. He's slowly opening up and he didn't reject me when I said the three magic words. Of course it'll take sometime for him to say it back, but he said he'll show it. If that makes a difference....

Aaron arms grew even tighter around me when I shifted once more, his eyes started to flutter open as he took a deep breath. "Morning,"

His raspy morning voice even made me smile, the symptoms of a love sick puppy. "Morning," I said back before sitting up so he can see me clearly. My index finger slowly slide down his chest and torso, to only stop a inch away from the hidden prize below the sheets.

Aaron chuckled while his lips spread into that sweet sinister smile of his, "Mike would be waking up soon," he stated while removing his arm from my waist.

"I know, that's why I'm stopping before we gotten started." Crawling out of bed, I teased Aaron by shaking my butt in his face- making him chuckle.

"What do you have planned today?"

I yawned out before answering, "Gotta go to the Bronx to see that principal I was talking to you about."

"Right," the bed shifted and soon Aaron's lips were placed upon my neck, slowly teasing me with his hands that skimmed over my opposed skin. "Do you want me to come with you?"

I slowly shook my head no while biting down on my bottom lip. "No, I'll be fine. What do you have planned...today?" I turned towards him to see the smug look upon his face.

Aaron sighed heavily before saying, "Work and stop by the apartment before coming back here."

"I have an idea," I hooked my arms around his neck so my bare breast can brush against his chest. "How about we take this weekend and spend it at your apartment? Me and you, Mike can spend a couple of days at Shelly's."

"Sounds like a good idea, but..."

"But?" I questioned.

"I have work all this week and you would be in my apartment alone."

I shrugged my shoulders, "It's okay, no difference than spending alone time here. I need to be a couch potato somewhere else for awhile."

Chuckling once more, Aaron leaned down and pecked my cheeks- obviously not caring about morning breath. "I'll give you a key so you can stop by and leave out."

"Fine," I removed my arms away from his neck to clean myself up. "Expect to see a naked woman with red pumps in your bed Friday night."

"Can't wait."

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