Divorced ch.53

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For the very first time in months, I slept peacefully and actually woke up later than I expected. It was noon when I lifted myself up from the hard but also soft ground, luckily I decided to keep the carpet. The sun shined through the living room windows, blinding me for a second before I adjusted/ considering I'm use to waking up before the sun.

I grabbed anything I can reach to cover myself , which was Aaron's jacket. I stood to my feet, put the jacket on and zipped it up to my neck before walking straight into the kitchen- knowing Aaron was whipping up a meal.

My theory was right, Aaron was in front of the stove- unfortunately with a shirt on and shorts that I could not dare to throw away. "Good afternoon." I greeted.

Aaron looked over his shoulder with a smirk upon his face, "Had a nice sleep?"

I nod my head yes while sitting in one of the stools behind the kitchen bar. "Yeah, haven't had a good sleep in months. Thanks."

Aaron turned the fire off before making his way over to me. He softly grabbed my chin and planted a nice kiss upon my lips. I was now under his trance. I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him in to deepen the kiss. Unfortunately Aaron pulled away before I could start some shit. "I made brunch; bacon, toast and eggs."

"Thanks, but eggs and bacon makes my stomach turn. Neavia doesn't like it." I stated while rubbing my belly white a small smile.

"Oh, what else do you have in here?" Aaron opened the fridge, "How bout yogurt with granola and an apple?"

"Aaron, I'll be fine with just cereal and milk." I stated.

Aaron chuckled while taking out the jug of milk and Lucky Charms from top of the fridge. He served me a bowl of cereal with a kiss on the cheek, "Love you," he whispered.

I was definitely taken by shock. I love Aaron, I would of never slept with him if I didn't- it's just hard to say because I took all this time to not love him, to forget about him. When I didn't say it back immediately, Aaaron face expression turned stern and cold.

"You changing up on me or something?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders at him, only because I didn't know what to say. "Aaron it's not like that. Our relationship is still healing-"

"So you don't love me no more?" He took a few steps back.

I stood to my feet and grabbed onto his arms so he won't go anywhere, "I do, trust me I do. It's just not the right time to say it, let's get through this shit before we say any L word, okay?"

"What shit? I came back and said I'm sorry!"

My eyebrow raised in question, "It's takes more than an half ass sorry to get back into our life fully. You threw us away without second thinking-"

"I did think about it, I thought about it and kicked myself for it." From his words, the way his arms flexed in my hands, and the way his eyes were burning holes in my head- I could tell Aaron was pissed and I was only putting more fuel to the fire.

"Obviously not hard enough!" I yelled back, removing my hands from his arms. "You don't get to come up in here and make me seem like the bad guy."

"Oh well you did that to me, why not do that to you? You going around telling people that I left you and Mike and never going to come back, what kind of fucked up shit is that?"

Divorced (LGBTQ Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang