Divorced ch.19

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Hearing the news about Lila's death was horrible, but telling Mike that his mother was never coming back to him nor in this world was like someone cutting your heart out while still awake. At first, Mike did not understand. I couldn't blame him, he was just a child; no matter how smart he is- his innocence was too powerful.

Once he realized what I meant, he cried. Not the 'I lost my favorite teddy bear cry', more like the 'Mufasa is dead and will never get up' cry. Mike cried for weeks, and another week until Lila's funeral.

Regina, Bella and I organized everything, which concludes calling Lila's family. It was hard to do, since Lila never talked about them to anyone, not even Mike. As we organized everything, I couldn't help but cry myself; even Regina shed tears. It took a few weeks to get through everything, until we finally had everything set up.

The day of the funeral was gloomy; gray clouds blocked the sun as the autumn wind blew- making the temperature chilly. Unfortunately, we was outside and was caught in the drizzling rain during the service.

Regina, Bella, Mike, and I stood in the front near the casket while Lila family stood in the back. Mainly because, most of them choose to. From what I learned, Lila did not get along with her family, especially her mother. The only person she still spoke to was her younger brother, but he was sadly stuck in Iraq and couldn't attend.

Lila family consist of her mother- who looked exactly like her from the blonde hair to the long legs. Lila's father- whom was very stern; physically and emotionally. Lila's three younger sisters from her father side, the brother in Iraq, her drunken uncle, druggie aunt, and a seven year old cousin that instantly gotten along with Mike as soon as she stepped out the car.

The service was short, since the preacher did not have much good words to say about Lila, so he decided to cut the service short with a prayer- praying that her soul would be send to heaven and God would have mercy.

"I wish we had more time to give Lila the best service," Bella broke the awkward silence between the three of us once Mike went to occupy with his cousin- Tasha.

Regina nod her head in agreement, "A part of me knows, Lila is happy she had one."

I did not comment on the fact that Lila's family was that selfish and petty to not even give a second thought about giving her a rightful goodbye ceremony. Instead, I took a few steps back to stand in front of Lila's mother. Her face did not hold sorrow, nor anger- not even a evil smile. "Sorry for your loss." That was the only thing that came to mind. I was never the one to go to funerals, or even speak o people at one. This was all new to me; losing a friend at such a young age.

Lila's mother- Kaitlin, snorted while shaking her head, "You should save your kindness for someone else. I guess you already know Lila and I aren't best of friends nor did we ever tolerate each other."

With a light sigh, I spoke up. "I try not to pry. Whatever you two had in the past, is none of my business." Which was true, I try not to get in other people's business; unless they want me to.

After a depressing thirty minutes of standing in front of a casket with my friend inside, Kaitlin finally made eye contact with me. Instantly, I regretted the idea of her looking at me; it felt like she was digging into my soul. "Mike, he's a adorable kid."

I nod my head in agreement, "Yup, sweet kid, smart and very adorable."

"Where is he going to stay? I believe he should stay with family-"

"I really don't think we should talk about this right now. Let's just soak everything in, you know."

With a not so pleased face, Kaitlin finally took her eyes off of me. Finally, I can breath easy.. I can see why Lila never mentioned her...

Later that day, Lila's family, Mike and I was settled in Lila's town house. To basically sit around and have Mike become acquainted with his family while stuffing his face with a home cooked meal. Truth be told, it was not quite as I expected; since everyone sat in silence and stayed to themselves. Regina, Bella and I was the only three who filled the room with our lovely voices and light humor.

"This is awkward," Mike was the one to whisper to the three of us. "Can we go home now, Skyler?"

My lips turned into a deep frown, "Why don't you talk to your grandparents? Surly, they will be glad to speak to you. They would probably give you money, like regular grandparents." I whispered back before nudging him towards their direction.

While Mike occupied himself with his grandparents, I walked towards the front door to get some fresh air. Once I opened the door, an tall dark skin guy with sleeve tattoos, a shaved head, and muscles; walked up the steps. The guy kinda reminded me of birdman, but younger and sorta cute.

"May I help you?" I asked in suspicion.

The guy looked me up and down before opening his mouth to speak, "Yeah, I'm Gregg. I'm looking for Lila, is she here?"

"Um no, she passed away not too long ago."

Gregg's face suddenly drops, but not in sorrow, more in anger. "Oh."

He would find me.... Lila's voice instantly went into my head as if she was whispering in my ear. "How did you know Lila? If I may ask." I slowly stepped back, just incase I have to slam the door in his face.

Gregg- if that's even his name- looked around before saying, "I'm actually an ex-boyfriend of hers. We've met up and before she came back; Lila told me I have a son. I just wanted to see for myself, but- I'm sorry, this is a bad time."

I nod my head in agreement, "Yeah, I don't think it's a good time."

"But, do you think I can see him though. I just want to see his face." Gregg took a step towards me, but I took a cautious step back.

"Like I said, it's not a good time. Mike is at a weak state right now, I don't think seeing his father for the very first time would help him. Maybe come back tomorrow or something."

While taking a deep breath and wiping visible sweat off his bald head- which was bad since it's the middle of fall. "Aight, nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"Sydney," I decided to give him my grandmother's middle name instead of my own. If he was dangerous as he was known to be, then I couldn't give him my name; that would be a death wish.

"Sydney," he tested out my fake name. "Nice to meet you,"

I gave him a small wave as he walked off the porch and soon down the street. Mike soon ran to my side with a pleading look on his face, "My grandparents are yelling at each other."

I slowly rolled my eyes before making my way inside to stop the disaster inside the house, which was not pretty. Now I can actually see why Lila doesn't speak to her family...

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