Divorced ch.40

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I stood in front of a ruined tall building, marked with graffiti, coated in trash and boarded up. My eyes wandered around the neighborhood, which was not good to settle in; considering they're about five liquor stores on this block, drug fends around every corner and trash in the side walks. The only good aspect about this neighborhood is that a church and school or on each corner; slightly far away with the madness, but close enough to see the madness.

I looked up at the tall buildings I now own. Bob was right, it needed to be fixed; but it needs more than just a little fix. The building needs to be remodeled, I'm almost frightened to see the inside.

"It's not the best neighborhood," the real estate person stepped beside me while clenching her purse far too tight if you ask me. From her expensive shoes to her jewelry, I can tell she never been in this type of neighborhood. Seeing this neighborhood reminded of me when I lived in my first apartment, it was rough area to live in; but it was home. "However, I do assure you it has a top notch on the clock police."

Police did not matter to me, I needed to see if I need to remodel this whole building.... "Can we go inside?" I asked.

She nods her head yes before tip toeing her way towards the boarded up doors. She took out a key to unlock the chains that easily fell on the ground with a loud bang. The door creaked open to show nothing but darkness and a smell of death inside. "Oh my," she gasped for air and fanned the stench away.

We eventually stepped inside with our flashlights and the outside light that slipped through the boarded windows and door, to guide our way. "The building was in 1865 as a library, it was the largest library in New York actually during that time." The real estate person started to say as she stepped over boards and dead rats that caused the awful stench.

We stopped in an very huge open space the displayed the ceiling made of marble and stone with faint artwork. "Then in the early 1900's it became a Catholic Church, it stayed a Catholic Church until the late sixties when they built the Baptist church around the corner. In early 2000 a couple owned this building and tried to remodel so it can be a youth center, but they unfortunately died in a car accident before they can even start their project."

My eyes still wandered around the large and tall area. On the inside the building did not need much work, just some windows, loads of cleaning and probably plumbing. The outside didn't need much work either.

"What are you planning to do with this building?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders at that question, "I have no idea."

"Well," she started to say while heading for the door. "Whatever you do, I hope it helps with this community."

I followed behind her so she can lock up. "Thank you," I said.

"No problem, here's your key and numbers for construction workers and other companies you need. Have a nice day." She handed me the key before walking off to her parked Audi.

I clenched the key into my hand while staring up at the building one last time.

I stood in the kitchen while staring at my laptop. I was currently doing research on the neighborhood, seeing if it'll give me ideas on what I'm going to do with that building. So far, I have a few information on The Bronx, the city itself. It hold many colleges, but don't really see a lot of grade schools; except for the one around the corner.

The neighborhood is oddly full of children that goes to that one school, maybe I can go in deeper by talking to the principal. I have an idea to continue the couple's goals by turning it into a youth center. It's quite a good idea especially in that area, being that it's more liquor stores than libraries or even a grocery store.

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