Divorced ch.10

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Nothing is worse than seeing a child hold a frown on their face. Just to see them sad makes my chest ache and stomach hold butterflies...

Lila has been gone for over four weeks and Mike out of all of us is starting to miss her the most. Of course he would, since Lila is his mother; but her absence pushed Mike to not speaking, eating and isolation.

It's horrible...

As a care taker, I'm doing the best I can. I try to be a friend, someone he can talk to; someone he can trust with his thoughts and secrets. However, he pushes me away as well.

"Relax Skyler, you're so tense." Regina whispers in my ear as she rubbed my extremely tense shoulders and kiss my neck that was full of knots. The touch was not intimate at all, considering Mike is in the next room of her apartment; playing video games.

"I can't Regina." I stated with a sigh. "I understand Lila's situation, but Mike doesn't. He's worried, and sad that his mother is not walking through the door to take him home. Just seeing him isolate himself from the world makes my chest ache."

Regina shifted behind me so she was right beside me to hold my hand in support. Her face as well held worry for her friend. "As her good friend, I'm worried as well. But you have to put on a mask- for Mike's sake. He doesn't know in great detail about his mother's situation. So we have to be there for him, like Cosmo and Wanda."

A light chuckle pass through my lips. "Did you just use fairy's as a example?"

Regina playfully rolled her eyes and nudged me. "Whatever. Just go by my word on this one. He's smart like a wise old man, but still fragile like a flower."

I took in her metaphor before nodding my head in understanding. "Okay."

Her dark brown eyes stared in mine for a few seconds before she leaned in towards me for a kiss, but was unsuccessful when we heard Mike coming into her room. "Yes Mike?" Regina said as she tried to hide her displeased voice.

Like always, a frown was on his young cute face and the white around his gray eyes was red from crying. "Are you okay Mike? You was crying, weren't you?" I said like a concern person I am.

He nod his head yes before running towards Regina and I with open arms. He made his tiny arms wrap around the both of us the best it could as he sobbed his poor little heart out. "I miss my mommy."

The action and his words suddenly made me tear up. What Regina said about wearing a mask around Mike was excellent advice, however, I couldn't. My fragile heart and my crazy emotions did not allow me to put on a fake smile. It barley let me hold my composure as I sniffed and wiped a few tears away before he pulled away to look at the both of us.

"We do too, lil man. She'll be back for you-" Regina luckily spoke up, instead of me.

"When? I want her now. It feels like something is wrong, I want to see if she's okay." Mike stated as his eyes looked between the both of us.

I turned to Regina to see if she had a good white lie to say to him, but she was stuck just like me. Both of us knew if we keep lying to Mike about his mother, than everything will go to shit and we couldn't risk that. We couldn't risk Mike's trust.

I sighed heavily, before turning to the cute little boy. "All we know is your mother is still around. We do not know where or with who, nor could we contact her. Your mother will come back for you, but we don't know when. Lila loves you dearly Mike and all that she is doing is definitely for you and your safety." I explained as truthfully and none harsh, as I can. During my statement, I had to mentally remind myself he was a child-baby and that he would not understand the situation his mother is in.

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