Divorced ch.8

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The birds chirp, the sky was clear with a few clouds. Mike was to busy playing with the ducks while I sat on the bench, writing in my journal for new ideas about the book; but it was fail. I could not think of anything else other than Lila, who was supposed return last week.

Ever since Friday, Lila did not return my calls not text. It's making me worry, mainly for Mike. His mother could be missing or dead all we know, he has no one but his mother; that's what Lila told me. Maybe his father will show up and take him in; I doubt that, but it's good to hope for Mike to have a parent.

"Sky?" Mike called as he came into my vision with a huge smile on his face.

Out of habit, I smiled down to him and closed my journal to show he has my undivided attention. "Yes? You ready to eat?"

He shook his head no then chuckled. "No, I want to go to the movies."

"Movies? Do you have movie money?" I teased while poking his stomach. "Alright, but we gotta eat first." I stood on my feet and grabbed my purse to put my journal and pen in it. Mike immediately grabbed my hand when we walked out of the park.

"I want to see Kung Fu Panda 3," he jumped up and down as we stood on the sidewalk to wait for the cars to stop.

"Then we will see that. You want pizza or Chinese?"

"Pizza!" Mike yelled out in excitement.

Once it was time for us to walk, I gripped on Mike's hand even tighter so I won't lose him in the crowd. "Stop jumper," I ordered and he obeyed.

The two of us walked into the quiet pizza restaurant and walked up to the cash register to order two slices of cheese pizza. As I take my wallet out, a black card was already given to the woman.

"It's on me," the guy said.

I looked up to see a handsome devil. His hazel eyes stares  down at me, he stood tall with his chest out with pride, and to top it off the fuck boy stance, he had caramel skin. Not saying all light skin boys are fuck boys; it is just this specific one is. "Well thanks," I said before taking my pizza and walking towards a small empty table in the back.

As Mike sat down in his seat, I put his plate down and a few napkins beside it. Before I can sit down, the guy stood in front of our table, like he's expecting something more. "Um can I help you?" I asked.

"Um yeah," he looked down towards Mike and at me. "Can I get your number?"

"Um I would have to reject you on that one. Sorry but with some girls buying them pizza doesn't automatically mean you'll get there number."

The guy scoffed and took a step back like I slapped him in the face. "You in a relationship or something?"

"Yes I am actually. And she won't be happy with a guy trying to get my number. Now if you would excuse me, I'm trying to have lunch with my nephew." I took my seat in front of Mike and took a bite of my pizza. Eventually he walked away and gave us peace.


After tugging Mike into bed- well the couch- I took a quick shower and changed into boy shorts, sports bra and tank top. With a huff, I snuggle under the covers and close my eyes to let sleep take over.

Booty booty booty booty rocking everywhere
Booty booty boo-

Immediately answered my phone and put it up to my ear, "Regina, this is kinda bad timing." I stated.

"Have you heard from Lila? She called me saying she's in trouble." Concern replaced her calm voice.

I sat up by my elbow; now wide awake. "N-no, I haven't heard from her all week. When did she call you?"

"Two hours ago, I tried calling the number back but it went straight to voicemail. Is Mike still with you?"

"Yeah, I'll call her other number. Maybe she'll pick up, in the mean time don't stress; she'll call." I said, mainly to calm her down.

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow to see what's up."

"Alright, bye."


I removed the phone from my ear and ended the call. I immediately went to my contacts list to call Lila. The phone rings two times before it went to voicemail; which tells me Lila is near her phone, but doesn't want to answer. So she is alive, but is she well?

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