Divorced ch.37

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Have you ever been so nervous, your whole body becomes paralyzed, you can't feel anything but your heart trying to tear out of your chest and walk away from the situation at hand, and you think of the possibilities and ideas of his to get out of this issue?...

Well, I felt just that. Spring came like a breeze; at first it was relaxing, the days were fun and calm. At least until the day of the ball smacked me in the face so hard, I was shocked and disturbed. I didn't know what the hell to do but scorn this day as if it owed me money.

I was nervous to have Aaron meet my whole family, it felt like I was throwing him into a pack of bloodthirsty wolves with only a blanket and toothpick. He wasn't prepared nor was I.

Aaron didn't see the problem with it, no matter how many times I told him my family is not all like Danielle; seemed to be nice and sweet. They're vicious, money thirsty beast that'll attack when your weak and low. Of course he laughed it off as if I was telling a joke.

Although I was nervous to go to the ball, we still made our way towards Delaware and we'll be staying for a few days; considering it's spring break. Which means my younger cousins who's in college will be joining the ball as well. Great! More juggling minds and eyes....

As soon as I saw the welcome sign into Delaware, I felt cold and already isolated from my heartless family. I can hear their whispers from one hundred miles away; commenting about my appearance- our appearance, judging the hell out of us before we get the chance to smile.

I took a deep breath and sunk into the passengers seat while wrapping my sweater tightly around my body, to make me disappear from the world- in my own imagination. Aaron caught site of my action before placing his comforting hand on the bast of my knee, squeezing gently in encouragement.

"I know the stories you tell me about your family are bad," he started to say in a hush, husky tone to not disturb Mike as he sleeps. "But I- we can handle them, together. Okay?"

My lips tugged into a small smile from his comment. For the past five months, Aaron has managed to make me feel good about myself, more than anyone I knew for a long period of time could. Truthfully, when around Aaron I feel safe, welcomed, secure and myself. I don't have to hide from his gaze or worry about judgment.

Aaron smiled at me, which made my stomach form butterflies and my heart flutter in a cliche way. The actions that were occurring has been happening for awhile now, it's just now that I'm noticing. His hand never disappeared from my knee as he drove down the long and empty road towards my family mansion.

We were going to stay in the mansion for the days we're in Delaware- mainly for tradition. I do not know why I agreed to such and just didn't but an hotel, I guess I'm a sucker for tradition. However, tradition won't save me from judgment and the hatred that my family has not troubled afflicting on me. "Should we get an hotel?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

Aaron did not immediately answer as he thought, "Well," he started to say as he switched lanes, only using one hand- I may say. "If it is for the best, but I must say it'll be cheaper staying in your family's mansion; considered we don't have to pay a fee." He made a point, before speaking once again. "If you want to get an hotel, we can. If it's easier for you."

The thing is, what's easier for me is the car being turned back around and head straight home; but I did not comment about going back. We were basically already to hell's gates; we made it this far through traffic- even thought we should of left earlier than five in the morning- and awful choices of music in the radio. I'm also pretty sure Mike wants to see my family as well. He's really excited to meet my little cousins.

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