Divorced ch.27

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I was blinded...

Blinded by the glamour and fashion Charlie was suffocating me in, I almost forgotten about my book writing. I was supposed to pop up ideas on what I'm going to write my book on; obviously not love. Love was definitely not on my side and to even think about it, made my stomach turn into knots. So why would I write about the chemical reaction that's thick with lust once you're around a hot person for a really long time?...

Truthfully, I never favored the feeling; that feeling of wanting to spend your whole day with another and when they leave you become sick and hollow, so hollow, you become possessive and scaring the person away. Or the feeling that you have when you're so happy and smiling every single day that once they disappoint you, your world starts crashing down and becoming a million pieces that you try to put together again.

I hated that shitty feeling the most....

It happened to me twice, and I don't want it to happen the third time. I'm done with love right now, I'm hanging up my gloves. No more fantasizing about an emotion I am not going to experience in awhile, for now on, it's going to be strictly business. Which means Lauren and I's relationship will just be friends or business partners to make sure our father's will be pleased from our effort. I need to focus on what matters the most, keeping Mike by my side and making sure he's safe.

"Get the move on, Skyler." Charlie knocked on the bedroom door, rushing me to step out so he can take me to this 'date'. If you want to call it that. I no longer call him uncle nor dad, just Charlie. It would be weird to call him something he's not and something he doesn't want to be. So Charlie would work best at this point.

I rolled my eyes at him, I no longer was in the mood to fight back nor protest on his orders. I was done, after this I'm done with the family. Well, I'll try to be done with the family; I already know Charlie would be around more, now that I told him my deepest and darkest secret.

I zipped up the fifth dress I tried on that afternoon. When I stepped out the dressing to gain Charlie's on the dress I picked out myself this time, I stopped in my tracks to take on what is before me. Charlie and Mike laughing as if one of them told an extremely hilarious joke- knowing Charlie barely laughs or smile in that matter.

A huge part of me did not want to disturb this rare moment, to see the interaction withCharlie actually looking pleased and happy by a adorable and lovable little boy he just met today.

It tools years for Charlie to crack a single smile at me or even a icy stare, Mike managed to get a laugh out of him in five minutes. No! It's not jealousy.... It was discovery...

To find out Charlie was not a cold-hearted, selfish, money grieving man. It makes me wonder: What other false characteristics is Charlie betraying?...

No willing to disturb their moment, I walked towards the tall mirrors where a store clerk stood there smiling as if she was a statue. "Does this dress look right on me?" I asked her.

Immediately her eyes scanned over my body...twice, before speaking out to say: "Maybe get a dress that looser around the middle areas." She held a smile on her face to make it seem like she didn't say anything wrong or intentionally rude.

However I heard differently, I heard: "You're fat, this store is not for women like you." I gritted my teeth and balled up my fist before taking a deep breath to calm myself down. I was getting angry over my own dark mind. "Do you have any dresses that loose?" I asked seeing that the store only sells right dresses for women from size zero to sixteen. Seeing and knowing that I'm a size eighteen, Charlie thought I can fit my behind in one of these dresses. He was dead wrong....

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