Divorced ch.21

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Everything was like a blurry object when it came into my line of vision. I didn't need glasses, nor do I have a migraine. The tears was the cause of my lack of clear vision- I was happy, not a ounce of sadness came through me during the past two days.

I hope you don't think cruel of me when I say I'm happy my father died....

Earlier this morning- say around six- I was up and packing up some boxes so I can take them over to Lila's townhouse. As I packed up my photos of my younger years that I never dared to show, Danielle called to give me the sudden news.

Yes... I cried, first out of sorrow that I left on my father's unfavorable list- we didn't make admins. However, as I cried, I started to think: Even if I've never went to the hospital or Delaware at all; I would still be on that list, no matter what I do to make up for the bad times..

That's when I started to get the joy of things. There's no longer a being on my back, screaming in my ear and saying that I'm nothing. The large chip on my shoulder broke off and now I can breath easily.

Unfortunately, I had to drive to Delaware for the wake. Danielle begged me to tag along, saying: He's our father... Ma would be pleased to see you.. I need you there..

Her and I both knew mom despise me and would blame our father's death on me. Our mother always loved to point fingers, especially towards the people she holds hatred for. Which was me..

Of course, I agreed in this little unwanted trip, but I had to take Mike with me; since it was Saturday- which means no school and Regina was in Chicago for her own family problems. Bella was on a trip to France with her husband, so she was definitely out of the scenario. I had no other choice, unless I don't go at all; but I just wanted to get this shit over with.

Mike and I was now in the rental car, making our way to Delaware since it's only a few hours away without traffic. Mike didn't have a problem with us suddenly leaving, he was actually excited; even when I told him that we had to see my family.

Of course, I would not tell him about my father's death. That would be too much information for his innocent mind....

It did not take long to arrive in front of my old childhood home. The large mansion that should hold more than a dysfunctional family of four, a sweet nanny, quiet house maids and a weird cook. On the outside; the expensive red oak shutters, red oak front door, and the freshly cream painted breaks- it was perfect. However, on the inside it held many secrets- secrets that I, myself held in my corrupted mind.

"Pretty," Mike decided to unbuckle himself from his car seat and climb to the front seat where he looked out the window with his huge adorable eyes, to look towards the mansion- the horrible mansion.

Don't get use to it bud... I thought, but dared not to say. Bursting his bubble would be horrible. "Yeah, sit back." I ordered, in which, he did just that without a issue.

As I driver my way around to find a spot to park, I debated to just drive off and go to IHOP instead. However, dark brown eyes instantly spotted the car from the window as I park to the side. I couldn't leave now....

"Skyler, thanks for coming," Danielle wrapped her thin arms around my waist as if I was a savior. Her eyes was red, as if she's been crying or allergies was getting to her.

Mike and I just walked in the front door to see the fresh flowers lined up against the walls, family members on my father and a few on my mother's side strolled around with fake tears in their eyes. Both side of my family never cried during funeral's nor side moments. Only Danielle and I gained that curse.

Divorced (LGBTQ Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon