Divorced ch.24

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Mike and I was making our way up the school grounds steps when a fellow parent came up to me with a huge bright smile on her face that she seemed to practice in the mirror mostly everyday. I, on the other hand, did not wear a smile; more like a deep early morning frown. I wasn't happy nor was I not in a bad mood, I was just tired.

"Ms. Mitchell," her voice was eager and pitchy, as if she was a five year old trying to tell me a secret. "Hi Mike, the Jorden and Fiona are already inside."

I looked down at Mike to see he was not paying her any mind. "Go ahead Mike, I'll be in the class in a few." I stated, already saying this conversation would not take long.

In which, the woman took a hint by cutting right to the chase once Mike left my side. "Ms. Mitchell-"

"Please, call me Skyler." It's quite awkward for a older woman to call me by my last name.... I wanted to add, but kept from doing so since I exactly do not know her actually age. As I know, she could be twenty five.

Anyway, the woman sweep a strain of her dirty blonde hair off her face before introducing herself. "My name is Eve Steward- the school board president and also a fellow mom, and I want to address Mike's situation."

"Situation? I don't follow."

"Well, with Lila's death- the mom's and I worry on how Mike would act out. I've read young children and even young adults personalities would change when they lived through a dramatic experience; you know divorce, abuse in the household, and deaths. We don't want Mike to hit that road."

"And he won't." I stated with a stern voice that made Eve step back in shock. She's obviously the type of woman that usually never hears the word no before, nor overruled. "Yes, Mike lost his mother; what other child would not be disappointed or slightly change. But he would not act up in anyway and if he does, than I will handle it. Other than that, you and the other moms does not have to worry."

"Well," After that short speech, she had nothing to say about the situation anymore. "Hopefully we'll see you at parent night tomorrow."

"Of course," I gave her one of my fake smiles since she gave me one first. At that moment, I felt like I was in a movie; where the rest of the mom's judge my family's lifestyle. Although no matter how much I wanted it to be, my life is far from being a movie. In reality I wanted to slap a hoe; pull her hair, poke her eyes out, and punch her in the throat- even push her into traffic. But that would consider me as a bad parent and I would be arrested for assault&battery.

The two of us walked off, she went off the school grounds while I walked into the school building to see Mike and Ms. Myn standing on the hallway while the rest of the students, teachers, and parents walked past so they can leave or get to class.

"What's wrong?" That was the first question that came to mind while I saw Mike's face hold worry and concern. However he held a questionable look upon his worried features, which slightly calmed me down knowing he done nothing wrong and I proved that Eve bitch wrong.

"Nothing to worry about," Ms. Myn said in her calm voice that would put anyone at ease. If I had a choice, I would have her as my grandmother- she seems like the type to buy you any and everything, bake you cookies, and give you advice that you can't speak to your parents about. I get comfortable around her and so did Mike. "Mike, can you go into class and tell everyone to start their daily journal entry."

Mike did not hesitate to run off to his class, proving that he loved school more than he loved the park. School is his favorite place in the world; at least that's what he said- I bet by time he gets in middle school he would hate it.

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