Divorced ch.13

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The second day of school was not as bad for Mike nor me. I dropped him off, spoke to Ms. Myn about his good behavior and then left to start my day by buying coffee. The cafe was crowded as usual- the morning rush. It's funny to watch people run around with their chopped off so they won't be late to their 9-5 jobs. I've never been in that position for over fifteen years when I had a part time job in high school.

Sipping on my want coffee while typing an email to my publicist; Ms. Autumn or as I call her now- Serena. Apparently, Serena wants me to do a book signing in Barnes & Noble back in Delaware. Of course, I don't mind; but I have Mike to think about now and the week she wants me to leave is when Mike has school.

"Hey, is anyone sitting here?" I heard a sweet feminine voice over all of the morning rush noise.

I looked up from my computer screen to only look at a gorgeous woman looking down at me. Her's hair was long and full, skin was like honey, her pink lips was spread into a welcoming smile, and her brown eyes held specks of green in them. I was so side tract, I forgot why she was standing right here in front of me- well that was until she clears her throat to kill the awkward silence between us.

"Oh, y-yes. Sorry." I chuckled it off before sitting straight up in my seat.

"Thank you," with ease, she slide the chair far enough to sit down. "This place is so crowded, you can't find a decent seat." Her brown eyes wandered around the chaotic cafe.

"Trust me," I finally spoke up without stammering over my words. "In five minutes or so, this place will seem empty."

Her pink lips spread even more into a smile, "I'll trust your word on that."

My own lips betrayed me by forming a smile as I looked back to my computer to send the email. "My name is Skyler, by the way." I introduced myself before closing my laptop.

"Kiran." She extended out her soft looking hand.

I did not hesitate to take it in mine, like I predicted; it was soft and warm. "Nice to meet you Kiran." After a few seconds I take my hand back.

"Not to be creepy- well, this may be a little creepy; but for the past week I see you in the morning, on your laptop, typing away like you're in another. If you mind that I ask, where are you- I mean, what do you do?" She chuckled lightly while flipping her long hair off her shoulder.

I took a sip of my now slightly warm coffee before setting it next to my laptop. "Um, I write books. I guess, when I'm writing-or as you can say typing; I'm in another world. Deep in my imagination."

"Wow," Kiran said in amazement. "I adore writes who has a big imagination. Do you have any books out there now? Maybe I can get a copy." She took out her phone, to probably type down my book title.

"Yeah, I have two books out; Internal Spy and Two Hearts."

Suddenly, Kiran's mouth gaps open in shock. "Holy shit. You wrote Two Hearts. At first I didn't know it was actually you because of the picture in the book and the first name, but it's you- the author." Kiran was practically jumping up and down in her seat. "I'm sorry, it's just I love your book- I'm only half way through it and I am seriously connecting with the characters; especially Jewel. I'm so having a fan girl reaction right now."

I chuckled lightly, "Thank you."

Kiran took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Let me calm down.... Okay, I'm good. I wish I had the book so you can sign it. A-are you going to be here tomorrow morning, the same time?"

Divorced (LGBTQ Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang