Divorced ch.25

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It was a regular day, except for having a huge lawsuit on my back. I felt worked out from the huge weight; tired, cranky and stressed out- I'm mentally becoming my grandmother. Everywhere I go I put on a fake smile, especially in front of Mike, I don't want him to worry.

Today, I am supposed to get a lawyer. A good ass one at that.... But it seems I can't get out of bed. I already sent Mike off to school and did my daily rounds at the café downtown.

I felt fatigue, but I'm wide awake. My body was tired, but my mind was racing. I felt numb, my heart was beating against my chest as if it would jump out at any moment. Maybe I drunk too much coffee.... I did wake for triple shot expresso.

Alright, get up Sky.... no time for procrastination...

I tempted to get up, but fell back on my soft bed. Five more minutes.... Just five more, maybe I can think for while I'm at it. I close my eyes and try to think of one thing. No luck, my mind is racing with thoughts and possibilities. Shit...

As if saved by the bell from my own thoughts, their was a knock on the door. A strong knock that pointed out urgency. I rolled out of bed, literally, I actually rolled out of bed and crawled to the steps before standing to my feet. The knocks continued louder and louder until I can answer it, immediately regretting the choice.

The devil himself stood on my porch with his three piece suit, and hands stuffed in his pockets as if he owned the world. He looked down at me with those judging eyes, I instantly gulped but kept my head high. Suddenly his thin lips turned into a smirk as if he was impressed with me not cowering away like bitch.

"What the hell are you doing here?" That question was the first thing that came to mind.

He grunted in disapproval from my language, "Is this the way you speak to your uncle?"

I snorted and laughed at his sudden attitude; he was definitely showing his age now. "Sorry, old man." I teased, knowing he tried his best not to look over forty; just like a woman would do. However, my uncle was doing an excellent job; he worked out, dress up nicely and takes care of his skin- fortunately he doesn't do liposuction.

"Are you going to invite me in?" He asked, but it seemed like he was commanding.

Either way, I did not step away from the entrance. "No, not until you tell me why you are here and how you find out my new address."

Rudely, my uncle pushed me to the side while he squeezed his tall and buff body on between me and the door frame. As he walked further into Lila's home, I shot him glares that should of killed him on the spot while shutting and locking the door. "I have connections, niece."

"When you say connections, do you mean stalkers?" I teased/ asked considering I felt someone was watching me for the past week; but that story is made for another day.

My uncle did not crack a smile at my question, instead he looked around the small open living room; judging the hell out of it with his eyes. "You're having court troubles."

I shook my head no, "No, besides I'm not going to court."

"I do believe child custody involves court," He opened his suit jacket before popping a squat on the arm chair in front of me.

My mouth gaped open in shock, but I instantly closed it since I should be use to the stage of invasion of privacy. It's like once you are apart of this family, your signing your life away to an high tech agency where they watch your every step. I always hated it.... "I don't need help, if you are giving it- but I am talking to a man who aids others for his own benefits. If you are worried I would ruin the family's name, don't. I practically disclaimed the family a month ago."

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