Divorced ch.47

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The week past slowly, like a turtle crossing a busy highway. I stayed by Kaxity the whole time in the hospital- when she went to get a CAT scan, blood drawn and a MRI- I was there. I only went home once to get some clothes and necessary items, considering there was a shower and bathroom in the room.

Once Kaxity and I walked through the door, Mike was on Kaxity like white in rice. Instead of me being there for everything, it was Mike- catering to her every need- of course during the free time he had in the morning before school and after school.

At the moment, Kaxity and I were in the house by ourselves- Aaron had to go to work, considering he already called in sick for the past two days to be here for Kaxity as well, and of course Mike is in school. Kaxity and I were hovering over the dining room table, trying to figure out a calculus problem that had my brain turn into jello.

"How the hell do you do this?" I asked while squinting my eyes as if the answer would suddenly pop up on the paper.

"You didn't take calculus in high school?" Kaxity asked but I knew she was teasing me with that smile of hers.

"Well," I started to say as I looked back on my high school years. "Technically the highest math class I took was trigonometry and that was still difficult. I'm a English girl."

"Of course, considering you write books for a living."

"Yeah well, even that is becoming difficult." I said before standing to my feet. "It's time to take your medicine," I stated while checking the time on my phone.

Kaxity smile suddenly dropped into a frown, "It makes me drowsy and I need to get this done."

I sighed heavily, "I know sweetheart, but you have to take it- it'll help you.... How about we wait for thirty minutes so you can get some of your homework done. Would that be better?"

Kaxity nods her head in agreement, "Yeah, it would."

"Okay," I stared down at her, wanting to sweep her curly hair from her face and kiss her forehead- but it felt wrong and yet it felt right. It was a motherly action, I wasn't her mother- however, I felt obligated to do this one action- to show comfort.

The soft knock at the door saved me from crossing the line and embarrassment. I made my way to the front door, but regretted opening the door or even touching the knob. An officer stood on the porch with that evil woman- Alex, I think her name is- stood by his side with an amusing face expression as if she won.

"Miss Mitchell," The officer sighed out my name heavily, indicating that he did not want to be here.

"Yes? That's me." I crossed my arms in front of my chest in irritation. "Is there a problem?"

He cleared his throat before rubbing his neck to get the sweat off his skin, considering that it was ninety degrees out here. "Miss Samson has shared some news that you're holding her foster daughter hostage."

"Hostage?" I chuckled. "Seriously?"

The officer shrugged his shoulders and sighed deeply once again. Alex looked between the both of us in disbelief, "She is!"

"Ma'am, please." The officer put his hand up to calm her down and keep her from jumping out of her lane. "Is her foster daughter-"

"Kaxity," I informed. "And yes, she's here. You want to check for yourself?"

The officer gave me a simple nod, "Yes. It's best of you two stay out here, it's a regulation."

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