Unspoken (Watty Awards 2011) Chapter Forty Nine: The Player's Prayer

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October 21                                                                                   Lawrence POV

At the kitchen table, cold drink in hand.

Slipping my fingers through my hair, trying to understand.

I know I messed up; yes, I know that I’m wrong.

I’d take it all back but the moment is gone.

Set down the glass, stand and the chair falls, clack.

I have to find a way, a way to get her back.


Thou shalt no longer cheat, no longer cause your tears.

Thou shalt not play your heart, or give you scares.

Thou shall love you, and only you.

Thou shall remain faithful once more, be true.

Thou shall give up what causes him to sin.

Thou shalt not ever touch her skin again.


Recite the lines, dreaming and hoping that she hears.

Though I know I don’t deserve her listening ears.

I grab for the edge of the sink, falling to my knees.

Please God, I need you to send her back to me.

Punch the wood of the cabinet, knuckles bleed.

I won’t get over her; my heart never freed.


Thou shalt no longer cheat, no longer cause your tears.

Thou shalt not play your heart, or give you scares.

Thou shall love you, and only you.

Thou shall remain faithful once more, be true.

Thou shall give up what causes him to sin.

Thou shalt not ever touch her skin again.


I played a game, hurt the one thing I really loved.

Now she can’t even look at me, I’ve been snubbed.

I should have known this wasn’t the one to play,

But knowing my grotesque needs, I did anyway.

Fall onto my back, I am no longer a man.

Let my pride leak from my eyes, cry while I can.


Thou shalt no longer cheat, no longer cause your tears.

Thou shalt not play your heart, or give you scares.

Thou shall love you, and only you.

Thou shall remain faithful once more, be true.

Thou shall give up what causes him to sin.

Thou shalt not ever touch her skin again.


My love ripped in two, really just passions' need.

And worst yet, I tried to hide my unforgivable deed.

Only she can make me feel like the world is mine,

All I did was make her feel second rate, back of the line.

Always placing her last; never making her first priority.

Maybe if I showed that I loved her more, she'd still need me.


Thou shalt no longer cheat, no longer cause your tears.

Thou shalt not play your heart, or give you scares.

Thou shall love you, and only you.

Thou shall remain faithful once more, be true.

Thou shall give up what causes him to sin.

Thou shalt not ever touch her skin again.


Screeching tires on the pavement, she’s gone.

Sinking into labored breathe, I feel so alone.

I’d ask myself what I’ve done, but the answer is clear.

I messed up the one thing that saved me, out of fear.

Left here without a trace of what was.

I don’t have a prayer now, and I am the cause.

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