Seven minutes in heaven (Newt)

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Bonfire night. Everyone was already staring to gather in a circle, knowing that Minho would initiate his famous embarrassing games.

Once everyone's together, Minho rubs his hands together mischievously. "How about we minutes in heaven?"

Your mouth drops open. "But Minho I'm the only girl!"

He shrugs. "Better get ready then, shank."

You shake your head and he turns back to the group. He explains the rules and you frown.

"Okay Chuck, spin the bottle!" You roll your eyes.

The bottle spins around until it comes to a stop facing Winston, but the bottle is turned to face you, since there had to be a girl pairing. "Oh wow, look at that. It's me," you say sarcastically and stand up to go with Chuck into the Slammer where Minho had designated for the game.

You sit on the ground and Chuck sits next to you. "So..." he says awkwardly. "What's up?"

You let out a chuckle at his innocence. "Have you ever played this before, Chuck?" He shakes his head. You look to the ground. "Well trust me it's a lot more fun with other girls."

Chuck holds out his hands and you furrow your eyebrows. "Rock, paper, scissors?"

You smile a little and hold out your hands. "Rock, paper, scissors!" You both say at the same time. You form a fist and he spreads his palm.

"Hah!" He cheers. "Paper beats rock!"

You played that for the next couple minutes and even had a thumb war. Chuck seemed to enjoy himself plenty by just getting full on attention from someone. Maybe this was his heaven.

You both head back to the group and you sit down, knowing you'd only get back up in a minute. Minho places the bottle in front of you and you bite your lip.

You give the bottle a quick twist and let it go.

"Frypan!" Minho announces.

You breathe a sigh of relief. There could've been so many other regretful picks.

People pay Frypan on the back and you stand, once again. You get into the Slammer first this time, and he follows. He puts his hands out to the side.

"What're we gonna do, shank?"

You narrow your eyes at him and fold your arms. "Talk."

He shrugs and you sit down in the same spot you had earlier.

"We could talk about your job in the kitchen," you suggest. He agrees and you start. "What's your favorite thing to cook?"

He thinks for a moment and then perks up. "Oh! Soup."

You laugh in confusion. "Why?"

"Cause it's easy to make, you all hate it and hardly eat any of it, so then I can serve it for three days after that."

You nod. "I can see that. That's actually a really good idea." You think for a moment. "So I was never told...why do they call you Frypan? I mean that's not your real name, is it?"

"Nah," he shrugged. "My real names Siggy. They call me Frypan because of what I did when I first got here."

You knit your eyebrows together. "And that was what?"

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