Jimmy Fallon

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I looked in the mirror with a large smile. Scarlett had curled my long blonde hair and did my makeup. I had a plan to get my hair cut to surprise dad. He has never seen me with short hair. I was so excited to be on Jimmy Fallon. Dad has also been helping me to become an actress. We were in New York for the weekend. Dad knocked on my bedroom door in the apartment we had here in the large city. I liked it. He said when we came to New York this is where we'd be living. I put on my black converse sneakers before exiting the room. Scarlett and dad sat in the living room. Scarlett and Dad were talking. Faith was seated in her baby bouncer. She's 4 months old. Scarlett is now Faith's godmother. Uncle Scott was sitting in the kitchen making Halloween cookies with Chase and Kyle. Kyle Mason Evans is his full name.
"Meggy!" Kyle yelled excitedly before running up to me. I scooped him up and kissed his pale cheeks multiple times making him giggle like the Pillsbury Dough Boy. I set him on the ground.
"You look like a young lady" Dad said smiling. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a black tie. He was going to be in the interview as well.
"Thank you. And you look like a... Man" I said running out of words making Scarlett bit her lip to hold back her laughter. Soon we all were piled into the car and headed to the studio. When we arrived at the studio Dad opened the door for me and Scarlett. Chase was wearing a white button up shirt and a black vest with a dark purple tie and dark jeans. Scarlett wore a short red dress. Uncle Scott wore a dark blue button up shirt with a paid tie with a leather jacket and jeans. Kyle was wearing a red sweater with a white beanie and light colored denim jeans. We entered the building and we were shown to a large dressing room. I took a picture of the door that said Megan Evans and Chris Evans. I posted it on Twitter.
Join me tonight on Jimmy Fallon!~ @Megan_R_Evans
I took a bunch of pictures of all of us on dad's phone as he was talking with Jimmy. Me and Scarlett made funny faces at the camera. I did the same with Chase. I set the one picture as Dad's lock screen. Jimmy and dad came back into the room and I tossed dad's phone into his bag.
"Hi Megan! I'm Jimmy" Jimmy said with a large smile. I stood up and he held out his hand to shake my hand.
"I'm going for it!" I said as I ignored his hand shake and hugged him.
"Alright. I was just wondering what you want me to talk about" Jimmy said.
"Uh anything just not to insane" Dad answered before I even opened my mouth.
"Okay! I'll see you in a few minutes!" Jimmy said walking out of the room. Dad's phone went off and he reached over and grabbed it. Me and Chase bit our lips to keep us from laughing when Dad looked at us with a face clearly saying 'Really?!' Me and Chase couldn't contain our laughter.
"Megan! It's a text from Joss! It says: ask Megan if she'd like to do a few scenes as Georgia Potts in Civil War" dad said.
"I'll do it!" I said happily. We were signaled to come close to the stage and wait until Jimmy said my name. I stood there waiting.
"Hello everybody! Welcome to tonight's show! So please welcome our first guest... Megan Evans!" Jimmy said as I walked out onto the stage. The audience cheered and whistled. I waved like an idiot at the crowd. I hugged Jimmy happily before sitting down.
"Hi Jimmy!" I said smiling widely.
"Hi Megan!" He said as I crossed my legs and put my hands in my lap.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm great" I said.
"I hear you're doing a cameo as Georgia Potts for Age of Ultron" he said.
"I am! I'm so excited" I said.
"Can you tell me about your character?" He asked.
"I feel like a red dot will magically appear on my chest of I give to much information. But Georgia is Pepper's niece and Georgia is a big Captain America fan. Yet Tony treats Georgia like family so I really enjoy being part of the cast. It's fun working with my dad" I said smiling.
"How is it working with your dad?" He asked.
"He makes me laugh! It's like he just needs to make me laugh and mess up on my lines. But I love filming with them. When we filmed Cap 2 I constantly bumped into my dad on purpose. The gag reel is coming out soon so this will be fun. Then I'll also be on an episode of Agents of SHIELD. I'm excited about that" I said.
"So you must be excited for Age of Ultron?" He asked.
"YES! It was so much fun. Every time I was around James Spader I felt like I needed to steal my dad's shield. He's very intimidating" I said, "but he's such a nice guy."
"Who did you enjoy working with most?" He asked.
"Robert and my dad. Robert made these goofy faces at me trying to get me to laugh. We messed up on our lines a lot. I tripped on set before in the party scene and everyone just erupts in laughter" I said.
"Alright we'll be right back with Megan Evans and we are bring out Chris Evans! We'll be back right after this short break" Jimmy said.
"We are back on the air in 3, 2, 1" said the camera man after a few minutes.
"Hi everyone welcome back. Now you know him as Captain America... Chris Evans!" Jimmy said as my dad walked out on the stage with a large smile.
"Hi Jimmy" Dad said smiling.
"Alright I want to play a game with you guys. I'm gonna ask one of you guys a question while the other person has headphones on-"
"This is like what me and Scott did" Dad said laughing.
"Alright Chris you'll wear the headphones first" Jimmy said giving them to dad. Dad turned on his music and he couldn't hear us.
"So Megan, what was the meanest prank you dad has ever pulled on you? I heard he pulls mean pranks. But not as mean as he does with Scott" Jimmy asked.
"The meant prank? Uh. He once threw me into the pool. But that's not that mean. He scared the crap out of me and my friends in the middle of the woods" I said.
"How did he do that?" Jimmy asked.
"Well... Him and Tom Hiddleston decided it be funny to get my best friend and my boyfriend to gang up on us and hide as if they disappeared. Dad and Tom dressed in dark clothes and followed me and my friends. Until the three of us were trapped in a barn" I said.
"That's really mean" he said.
"I know. I thought we were going to die" I said, "he actually just did another prank on me where it made me think someone broke into the house."
"Chris you can take off the headphones now" Jimmy said and dad took off the headphones.
"Chris, you better tell us this. I asked your lovely daughter: what was the meanest prank you've pulled on her?" Jimmy said making dad break out in a loud chuckle.
"I may or may not have the idea to scare the crap out of her. I have the perfect prank for later this month" Dad said. After we did a few more rounds full of laughter we said our goodbyes and left the stage. I had so much fun. When we got back to the apartment I changed into sweatpants and a Captain America sweater. Me, Faith, Kyle, and Chase chilled out in my room and watched Princess and the Frog. Dad, Uncle Scott, and Scarlett went out for a little drink. Faith was asleep in her baby bouncer. Kyle fell asleep with his head on my lap and Chase fell asleep on my shoulder. I love these guys so much.

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