Agents of SHIELD

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I arrived to set and went into the makeup and costume area. My hair stylist, Brianna, was really cool. She's from New York City. She has short chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. She's only 2 inches taller than I am. Brianna is such a nice person. She is only in her 20s. No wonder she looks so young. So basically today's episode is just going over Georgia's backstory and her personality and what she's like. I was told she'll be in Civil War and Infinity War part 1 & 2. My costume for today was camo tights, a black sweater, and combat boots. Brianna straightened my hair and my makeup artist, Sophie, only did a little bit. They didn't want to much makeup. I left the trailer and walked to where Clark was.
"Sup, Coulson!" I said and he smiled.
"Great to have you on board, Meg" he said smiling.
"This is gonna be fun" I said.

"Mrs Potts. Great to have you here at SHIELD" Coulson said as Georgia enters the building.
"You know me, Coulson. Always looking forward to seeing you" Georgia said hugging Coulson.
"How's Pepper?" He asked as the two began to walk and talk.
"She's okay. Tony just finished redoing the tower. It looks much better now since New York" Georgia said, "I only have an hour. Tony being Tony wants me back at the tower."
"How's your powers?" Coulson asked.
"Tony nor Pepper knows of my abilities" Georgia said.
"May I see?" He asked smiling.
"Of course, Phil" Georgia said as she made the lights flicker and spark. Electricity. She could control electricity like Dr Doom. But she never cared to share the information with her Aunt or Tony. Tony would probably use her to power up the tower with just a spark. Georgia was very powerful for a girl her age.
"Do you practice?" Phil asked.
"When I get the chance" Georgia said making the lights go back to normal.
"Well, maybe you could use those abilities here at SHIELD. Put them to good use" Phil said.
"I'm not joining Fury's secret boy band" She said.
"You act so much like Tony" Phil said.
"That's because I'm around him a lot" she said as they began to walk back to the exit.
"Well, Georgia. Just think it over. Being a superhero and saving the world. You could come up with your own superhero name-"
"What like Iron Man? Or Captain America? Phil I rather be fangirling with you over Cap than being a superhero. Maybe when SHIELD needs me but I'm going to keep my powers secret. I don't think Pepper would be to happy since I kept them a secret" She said smiling at Phil.
"I'm not a fangirl" he said.
"I'm sorry, fanboy" Georgia corrected as she pushed open the door.
"Be careful, Georgia" Phil said.
"I always do, Coulson! Now if you'll excuse me I have to get Tony his coffee and donuts" She said before climbing into a car.

"Great job, Meggy!" Clark said hugging me.
"Thanks Clark" I said closing the car door.
When I got home I was nearly tackled by Chase. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.
"Hey dude" I said smiling.
"How was filming?" He asked.
"Fun" I said, "where's dad?"
"He went for a meeting" Chase said as Scarlett walked out of the twin's room. I was happy Kaiden was home and safe. The note Aubrey left was in dad's office. He didn't let me nor Chase read the note. Kaiden was probably happy to be home. I walked back to the twin's room and smiled. I walked over to Faith's crib first and she reached her small arms towards me with a smile on her face. I couldn't wait till she and Kaiden could talk and walk but I would have to wait a while. I walked over to Kaiden's crib and he looked so happy to be with his family again. His smile was priceless. I was glad he was back home.

Sorry for the short chapter but MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! Tomorrow is Christmas! Who's excited?! I know I am! I hope all of you guys have the best Christmas ever!😘 I love you all so much. All your comments and votes and support mean so much to me and I'm very grateful for it. Thank you guys so much and I hope you have an amazing Christmas❤️~ Kenlee Faith❤️🎄

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