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Tegan's P.O.V
April 2013


Thirteen (Number):
1. One more than twelve, or seven less than twenty

Thirteen years old.

Today is Saturday. I'm not having a party or anything extravagant. I don't feel close enough to my school friends yet to invite them over. However, they've been lovely so far. Nathan is a character, Romeo is distant, but Allie and Skipper are sweet.

Adelaide woke me up this morning, bringing me homemade pancakes in bed. On the tray, there was a small glass with a pink flower. The small gesture made me smile.

In the living room, I sit on the carpet, surrounded by a few wrapped packages. She sits in a cushioned armchair, holding her phone, ready to record.

I start with a card, my name written on the front in cursive. Inside is a card from Adelaide that has a sweet note and a giftcard for a twee cafe down the street.

"Thank you!" I smile gratefully.

I place the card down, reaching for a purple bag.

I pull out the card first, I open it, reading:

"Everyday you rock, but today you're a star! Happy birthday, Tegan!

it's H"

Under the tissues paper, I pull out a gift made entirely of rocks. The surface is a flat rock that has six tan coloured skinny and circular rocks stuck standing upwards. On each rock, tiny eyes are painted on them and they are attached to the surface in a half circle, surrounding an unlit candle.

"This," I think out loud. "It the most incredible object I've ever laid eyes on."

I hold it in my hands, admiring it for awhile.

I pick a box wrapped in balloon paper, ripping it off quickly. Inside the box, is a folded shirt. I grab the sides, lifting it up. The t-shirt is white with a round neck and in all capital letters, it reads, "If lost please, return to Liam Payne".

Niall got me colour changing mug and a framed photograph of both of us. Louis sent me a film camera. Zayn sent me ring that had musical notes on it and a journal.


My phone rings, my lock screen showing an incoming WhatsApp video chat. I accept, all five of the lads connected to the call from their separate accounts.

"Happy thirteenth birthday, Tegan!" They exclaim in unision.

"We miss you loads!" Zayn tells me.

"Yeah, we've been thinking about you all week." Liam shares.

"Did you get my gift? The rocks are supposed to be us!" Harry explains.

"Yeah, I got that, H." I chuckle, shaking my head. "Thanks massively for the gifts. They were so thoughtful! I miss you lot as well. How's tour?"

"Tour, manure!" Louis rhymes, swatting his hand through the air. "We're ringin' about you love!"

I tell them about my friends, they share tour. The conversation is a bit relieving to have. I was afraid they'd be too busy to ring me today. We chat for a good bit, laughing and teasing, everything feeling the exact same.

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